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It’s a Bouquet!

Notice the bouquet?

Fauxtog Finest

We think this one speaks for itself.

Cute Enough To… Cook?

Adds a whole new meaning to “cute enough to eat” when you throw them in a pot!

Dust Bunny

This fauxtog boasts 20 years of photography experience and features this POS photo in his section of “Animals”. Since he didn’t even get the whole kitten in his…

Kool-Aid River

Another beauty from the man who only takes and edits his photos with his iPhone! Can you believe it? Yep, so can we.

Alien Planet

Really nice photo shoot on the planet Mars, unless of course that’s Earth and the fauxtog is just clueless.

Why So Sad?

Sadest happy couple I have ever seen. Shouldn’t you be smiling on your big day? Either way, Jesus is rolling his eyes about having to be part of…

The Color Of Her Voice Is Purple!

I love the vibrant color of her mouth. It just glows!


They are asking it, we are asking it. Just why?