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  • in reply to: Need some critiques :) #7662

    Regardless of your photo’s ( which need technical work themselves) what you should charge shouldn’t be solely based on the opinions of internet people, nor solely on your talent level. Now before everyone screams at me πŸ˜› I mean thatΒ  you need to figure out the cost of business. You have taxes to figure, equipment wear and tear, travel, marketing, insurance, household/studio bills, and more and that will get you to a baseline to ‘break-even’. From there you have to figure how often you can or want to shoot, and how much you’ll want to take home in salary. Add your wanted salary + your bills and divide by shoots per year and that’s what you should make off each client round about. I’m terrible at math so ehhh feel free to fix any of that. It’s not just picking an arbitrary number and hoping it works.

    in reply to: What do you think? #7553

    My friend has 3 grey’s and two italian greys. I love them as well. I was shocked at just how big greys really were. It’s misleading haha. Our next dog is a French Bulldog, my hubby’s choice. I’m in the process of choosing a responsible breeder for them now. I also hope to keep fostering Chihuahua’s, I took in two hard cases these last few years, one biter and one with severe flight responses to everything. Oh and he ate blue jeans, like the whole pants. -_- haha. We’ll see if I can find a renter that will let me do all that in oklahoma lmao


    in reply to: What do you think? #7520

    I have a love affair with long haired chi’s. Both my fosters and my dog are all LH’s πŸ˜€ Sadly ( not really ) My husband wants a french bulldog, so that’s our next dog. But one day I’ll have a whole ‘herd’ of long hair chi’s and a couple of australian shepards to keep em in check haha.

    here’s my baby cause I like to show him off πŸ˜‰


    in reply to: What do you think? #7512

    Oh start husseling at dog shows. Best place ever. Shoot some cute pics of their dogs, hand them a card and sell prints off smug mug. Dog show people will eat it up πŸ˜‰ I’ve sold pics from Lure coursing events doing exactly that πŸ˜€

    in reply to: What do you think? #7511

    We have a very popular pet photographer in anchorage, but while he is devoted to pet photography, he is unable to make a living solely on it. While alaska is really underpopulated, Anchorage is the largest city with many towns adjacent ( something not really common elsewhere in Alaska), and he has to do “regular” portrait/wedding to actually have a business model that makes him money. is his link. Pet Photography on it’s own ( people getting pictures portrait style of only pets) is a relatively new idea, and it really depends on the dog community in your area and how hard you hussle. It’s also almost a guarantee that you’ll need an assistant for most if not all shots.

    That being said, it’s also an area I’m rabid for and that I’ll market myself, so kudos! Also darn cute LH chi’s. Can I bring mine over to play πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7472

    My husband is military, we both grew up hunting, we just don’t feel we need a gun right now, or possibly ever. We’ll approach it again when we get out of the military in 12 years ( have 8 in already).


    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7465

    LOL brown, that’s why my story works! if only the baby was naked, it would fit perfectly, the baby has no idea the horde of zombies decending upon it O.O hard hitting writing right there. Although nothing beats Moody’s newborn zombie in Autumn -_-

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7464

    Oh lol. yea no. I have no problem with guns, we don’t own any, but they don’t bother me. I based the zombie story on the posing, they aren’t just taking a picture with guns they are aiming off camera at “something”. So I made up a story at waht they are aiming at that amused. You read wayyyyy to much into that. πŸ˜€ I really meant that it amused me haha. My Good friend is my Zombie shelter goal, simply because of her arsenal πŸ˜‰

    I went to Zombies, because I’ve always liked apocalyptic/zombie novels/movies, and it’s in no short supply lately. Not because gun owners are crazy or whatever you were saying lol

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7453

    I’m so freaking amused by that guns over baby picture. Seriously it makes my day. Yes, it’s horrible, but it’s just so damn absurd I can’t help but think : Woman and man hiding out during the Zombie Apocalypse, woman gives birth, shortly after, a horde of Zombies comes charging (or shambling depending on your favorite zombie) at them! The parents draw weapons prepared to defend their child to the death!! /endscene

    in reply to: Fauxtog spottings in the wild! #7278

    I think it’s part of the spoils and profits. I first learned of it on…mtv maybe? THey were talking about the “goody” bags, or swag that stars get when they go to award shows. I remember entire game consoles and expensive jewelry being some of the things. It was a little ridiculous and many years ago ( at least ten)

    in reply to: Fauxtog spottings in the wild! #7236

    Lol! Swag is when you give out free stuff. usually with your logo, or sponsor logos. Think t-shirt, keychains, all that.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7110

    CAM: oh no I wasn’t offended, really… More like I really wasn’t trying to get in the middle, just point out how crazy some people are πŸ˜‰ and no I’m sure your not the only one, I’m just really really bad at numbers and rudimentary math. Algebra I can do with a calculator no problem, ask me what 8×6 is and I’ll be here a minute. Even being a military spouse, changing military time over to ‘my time’ takes me a second, I have to minus two from it and i’ve had to use my fingers once or twice -_-;; Numbers were never my thing, and I’ve come to terms with it and can even laugh about it now πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7100

    Cam was that a dig at me? No I don’t speak Celsius, I never learned it, and I have a hard time remembering how to convert it. But with the power of google, my -10 f would be -23 C if that helps. I’ve taken pictures in colder, mostly last year when we had the coldest winter in 30 years here in Fairbanks with way to many -50 F or -46 C degree days then I want to count.

    I really didn’t mean anything by it, just that if you ask and plan you can usually find people to do crazy things. My first winter here, we had a heatwave and got to the positives in January and some of my crazy friends got dressed in bathing suits and cocktail dresses to do a stepford wives style BBQ shoot outside, it was barely in the positives. You make do. But it does help to have crazy ass friends.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7094

    Back up plans work! Especially when dealing with an art field. It was just such a combination! Thanks for answering!

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7092

    Jenna you said “I have a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts along with a bachelors degree in Geophysics. ” wtf ( to be crass) haha that’s one of the weirdest combinations ever. I’m just curious how that happened ^ ^

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