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  • in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14250

    Haha, Sharra! I literally snorted and laughed out loud when I noticed that last night too! I feel like some of his edits should be incinerated…

    Mend, I feel you about the mild anxiety brought on by sharing here. I feel like we have a wide range of reactions from this community. We’ve got people who will make an honest effort to office up advice and constructive criticism and others who are more blunt and sometimes harsh. I think we offer a wide and fair spectrum… that being said though, people will read what they want to read and won’t necessarily see the overall context… so they’ll probably be offended anyway.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14241

    Oh WCS, stop stirring the pot. Silly! Cain is bonkers though if he thinks anything that he posted will do him much good. I noticed a distinct lack of caring from his “friends” on facebook.
    Just because I love a person; does not mean I have to like their “photography”, or whoever else they may get to do it. The observations we made about the girls looking underage or the house pictures looking creepy like are not unfounded. We just have somewhere to discuss it. What a silly, silly thing. Unfortunately, I can’t report him to have screencaps of my likeness removed because he blocked me… so I have to use my boyfriend’s profile to do it. *sigh*


    I was talking more in the terms of a business decision. It seems so difficult to market as a “Jack of All Trades” considering someone usually wants to hire and pay the money for what would be considered a specialist in a specific area.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14229

    Oh my gosh! Purple Cousin It! YES!

    EMF, I think the Faux’s are just showing us “next year’s model” :p

    Oh Mend, I missed you! You followed the Cain coverage here so closely with some of us! I think it’s amusing he calls us trolls when some people honestly reached out to help him improve… he just couldn’t see that his stuff needed a LOT of tlc to get to a passable point… and a lot of learning to be a pro.


    That’s surprising, CC! I don’t understand how someone can be so scattered in so many niche markets. Crazy.

    There’s actually a term for the spammers/network of people who do the fake reviews and stuff: The Chinese Water Army

    in reply to: Useful resource for Fauxs #14204

    winky skin tones aside, my biggest pet peeve with cross processing is the weird muddy purple color that the blacks turn into most of the time. Even when it works, it’s really hard for me to get over.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14199

    You can blame the tulle “dress” on Pinterest, I’m sure. Many people are making their own flower girl dresses thanks to pinterest posting all the diy stuff. The problem is; messes like these happen more often than not and instead of being scrapped, they get used for some reason. Usually you see the stretched headband fabric used and a skirt made entirely of tulle (but not that much!)… but this one just looks like they created a looped collar and tied the tulle to it… it’s overly gawdy and just super bad…. yeesh.


    I’m not entirely convinced it’s legit. I’ll have to do some reverse image searches later on. If they aren’t, huzzah! We have fodder for photostealers!

    in reply to: Useful resource for Fauxs #14154

    I like cross processing in rare cases. Unfortunately it’s huge right now… Thanks Instagram =/

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14151

    Just to clarify, I reported because the page wasn’t really “original” in terms of how it was being run. It pulled everything directly from either this site or this particular thread. Fox wasn’t really doing any sort of searching on their own. I don’t think someone should create a facebook just to feed off of those of us here. Also, Fox was sharing from facebook pages – basically doing things in the worst way. If it were to reopen it and do things better, I wouldn’t necessarily have a problem. =/

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14131

    I reported it too… Also, Kat, is your name a League of Legends reference?

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14075

    Seems like an odd composite. Not just due to the quality but because it looks like they didn’t support both sides of the baby. Perhaps just the head, but not the arms? I’m relieved, I’ve never handled an infant that young so I had no idea! Thanks for helping put my mind at ease!

    I don’t know if you guys looked at anymore of their facebook photos, but they did a friend of mine’s wedding so I was really surprised to see how bad the rest of the gallery was! One has a family that’s out of focus but the couch they’re sitting on is totally in focus! It made me cringe a little. That can happen to anyone, of course… but don’t share it!

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14043

    ok… two back to back… but please tell me if this is a composite. I need a little piece of mind. I really can’t tell if they tried to have that poor baby support it’s head 🙁

    in reply to: You get what you pay for #14041

    When people have come to me after seeing such and such’s photos on their facebook it’s always like “I heard you shot *name*’s wedding for ___. My wedding is in July and that sounds like a really good price.” … It’s a serious facepalm moment because I haven’t really learned a way to explain delicately enough that it’s not able to be conveyed as rude, but stern and professional enough to be straightforward and concise. I definitely need to learn that soon.

    I suppose for me, I just get tired of the expectation and the flabbergasted “What do you mean you don’t have your camera with you?”… A former friend who stopped speaking with me after being so rude I burst into tears on my birthday asked my roommate to get their wedding pictures I took as a guest for them! Their argument was “They’re in the photos! Technically they are theirs!” – and that was both them AND my roommate. It got old pretty fast after that =/

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #14036

    This is kind of cheating because I shared this one a while back – but I shared their website (complete with blaring, smooth jazz upon clicking…). I like to periodically check in and see if they’ve improved at all.

    I found the facebook. I’m only kind of surprised that nothing has been posted since March. I’m curious if it’s because they got burnt out or if the phone just isn’t ringing.

    Now this may not be hardcore front page fodder, but this one stood out in the “WHY post this?” category”
    Awe heck! Who are we kidding, what senior wouldn’t want this!?

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