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  • in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9597

    So, I feel a teensy bit guilty posting this… but this popped up in my facebook feed today…

    “Fine Art Photography” apparently…

    in reply to: Lenses (I'm talking Canon but feel free to share) #9594

    The guy I bought the 24-70 from offered one to me for around 500 so that may replace that sigma wide angle (I plan on selling it) but I might wait. Lol, how old is the 1Ds? I have never seen one that I can remember :p and that is a lot of bodies o.o I really want to get another full frame back up. I absolutely loved my T3i. I was very proud of myself when I paid for my own DSLR! I think it works fine as a back up, but it’s still not going to work out the same way if I have the Mk II fail mid shoot. I find moving between ff and aps-c mid shoot is really disorienting for me. I lend the body to a friend periodically so I can have a shooting buddy but when I use it to check settings I’m all “wtf? why am I so damn close?”

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9591

    Omigosh Rizzo, RIGHT!? I want a closer look at just what the HELL happened there!

    in reply to: Lenses (I'm talking Canon but feel free to share) #9590

    What kind of body are you shooting with and do you have thoughts on the 17-40? (Sorry, I’m a sucker for talking about this kind of stuff)

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9583


    I agree that some of the images look overly sharp and while those props may be cliche, they are what’s popular and if the clients like the look, I see nothing wrong with him using them. Overall I think he’s doing fairly well compared to those we have featured in this thread.
    It’s very unfortunate that he doesn’t believe there’s any room for him to grow. He will only hold himself back. You’re best bet is to offer your advice (without being mean) and move on. Hopefully it will stick, even if subconsciously.

    Honestly though, he’s one of the best ones that has been posted in this thread that I have seen.

    in reply to: Lenses (I'm talking Canon but feel free to share) #9582

    Awe I think my other post got deleted. I was asking your opinion on the 16-35. What do you use it for most? The gentleman who sold me his 24-70 has a 17-40 he offered to make me a sweet deal on if I was ever interested. I have rented a 35mm L from and really liked it. The minimum focus distance was awesome! I’ve been tempted to try out the 24mm L to see how it performs in ill lit, semi cramped spaces like the Penny Arcade here. I’ve heard that it has less distortion that the 24-70 at 24mm, but I don’t know myself.

    I really appreciate the advice about the flashes. I would love to pick up the 600! I’m semi frugal though (I hardly pay full price for my equipment, I wait for sales and specials so maybe the holidays??) so I’ve got my fingers crossed for an open box to stumble through my store. I have heard that sometimes using transmitters can be unreliable but again, no experience personally so I’m only going off heresay.

    in reply to: Lenses (I'm talking Canon but feel free to share) #9578

    No, that is absolutely a perfect point! Having the lenses on multiple bodies would be a HUGE help in a hectic setting. I think that’s why I’m done with weddings until I can establish a little bit more skill for them. I like being able to take my time and I HATE missing things! You just don’t get that with wedding photography. It makes me so sad when brides don’t set aside enough time for themselves or for their portraits with their new hubby! I know when I finally tie the knot, I’m going to have to save for a loooong time, because that’s one of the most important things to me.

    Maybe I should share what I’ve got so I can kind of set the scene:

    I have a 5D Mk II (and a T3i that was the first dslr that I bought myself)
    Speedlite 580 EX II
    70-200 2.8L (Non IS)
    24-70 2.8L
    50 1.4
    85 1.8
    Sigma 50 Macro DG HSM
    Sigma 10-20 (not really used much anymore)
    and the 135 2L coming to the family soon

    I have purchased my flash and many of my lenses second hand (with the exception of the 50, 70-200 [that was an open box I got for a steal at work] and now the 135) so I have saved a lot and I think I have a pretty established bag. I want all my lenses to have that pretty red band on the top but I think I’m in a good place until I am prepared to fully ultilize the quality they bring.
    I realize I am VERY lucky to have been able to support my hobby financially. I’m not trying to be some noob out blowing money. I did a lot of research and haggled my way through a lot of these purchases. I hope I’m not coming off like that. I want to learn everything I can and I spent the last three years collecting glass instead of buying a nicer SLR out the gate so that I could learn in the mean time.

    My first love is portraiture. So the recommended equipment for that is what I’m really interested in. I will be fully honest; I suck at nature photography.

    in reply to: Lenses (I'm talking Canon but feel free to share) #9574

    I actually have a 5D Mk II. I got a hell of a deal on a shelf display from Best Buy (and I mean a hell of a deal!). I work at the store I got it at so I know it spent most of it’s time locked up with no battery inside it (I bought the protection though, just in case I murder it. Plus I can get it cleaned and I got my employee discount…)

    I bought the 135 because I wanted something a little longer so I don’t have to get right up on people. I have a 50 1.4 and I actually picked up a used 24-70 on Craigslist in the fall. (I love the 24-70!) This is my 3rd L lens and since they run roughly the same pricing, I could exchange the 135 for the 100. The macro would definitely be a nice touch. I’m using a 50mm sigma macro currently so I wasn’t sure I should spring for another macro yet. I’ve heard that the 100mm L is still pretty nice for portraits but I haven’t spoken to anyone who has ever used it that way. Have any of you?

    I just can’t seem to capture any of the magic of wildlife. I live in Colorado and am kicking myself for that, but it’s different enough from portraits that I’m not really sure how to make it special, you know?

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9560

    So, I went back to that CainsPhotography site. Lord have mercy, I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. (I feel kind of guilty clicking on facebook links at work…)

    Can I just say, I wish there could be a nationwide (worldwide?) intervention for these fauxtographers. Not to cut them down, but to put things into perspective and help them realize their strengths and their learning points. I believe everyone has something right they’re doing and that’s the place to start, but man… I really wish there were a way to reach them without some crazy internet shitstorm.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9554

    I think one of the most hilarious things about the Alyssa’s Backwoods Photography one is the profile picture… The guy wincing. Love it!

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9550


    The “test” shots…why would you post those? I mean, those are the ones I delete in camera! I’ll admit I’ve taken the photos of my dining room light to play with exposures and play with depth of field but I would NEVER post them anywhere. There’s absolutely no reason to! “Test” shots to be posted would be like giving yourself a project and watching the changes from a day to day to show examples of progress or a growing understanding.

    Boasting about a T3 is silly to me. It would be one thing if it was like “Hey now, I use a T3 and these are the kind of shots I get -insert link to great shots with an understanding of lighting/composition/mechanics-, so you can use a less expensive camera!” but not in the attitude of “Oh, you uses a 5D Mk II? Well aren’t weeee fancy. Not everyone can afford… blah blah blah”

    I would be horrified if I were ever that thick! I worry about my work ALL the time (I struggle with self confidence…) but I have never ever thought that something on that level was God’s gift to the photographic community.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9532

    … I went back to that site (It’s like a train wreck. You can’t look away!)

    This one stood out. Read his comment. These are supposed to be high school PROM shots! Ridiculous!
    I was reading the comments on his little “prom shoot” (omg in some you can’t even see the dresses, and the black girl, Shay, looks SO unhappy 🙁 poor dear) and apparently that “Lynnie Love” girl in most of his shoots (and the profile picture) is in high school. God this got WAY more creepy….

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9530

    Holy moly Photoalertguy… That guy just screams creeper to me. I mean, the comments he makes about the girls (I think that on every single photo I looked at, he was the only comment) are not “She was wonderfully professional” but like “She’s sexy/I love that I was her first shoot/more to come/she’ll go far” and I don’t know, but it makes me uneasy.

    The positions are so awkward and the photos are so poorly composed… That last one, the poor girl. She looks so uncomfortable and the expression on her face says it all.

    Maybe it’s just me (call me a prude, I guess), but I have never once considered having those kinds of portraits taken. Boudoir photography can be absolutely beautiful and done with taste and class. Even then I think I would still be comfortable if they were just for my husband and not for facebook, you know? Why do girls settle for this kind of work? It makes me sad that there are probably skeevy guys out there fantasizing about them and I dunno… it makes me shudder.

    There’s no theme to any of this guy’s photos from what I can tell. They are cheesy, girls-gone-wild kind of shots. Blech.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #9518

    That second one… it looks like they’re sitting on top of that stuff you find in silica packets when it gets wet… I looked at the first one earlier on my phone and thought “oh that doesn’t look /bad/, just a weird choice for a photo!” … I had NO idea it was completely blurry!


    in reply to: Feel like being brutally honest? #9515

    Hello Rerun! I checked out a lot of the shots and I like them 🙂 One of my biggest pet peeves is facial over editing. I know girls want to look  blemish free but don’t forget to leave some of their natural texture, otherwise they may end up looking like a barbie!


    I know this really has nothing to do with the images themselves (which I really enjoyed!) but I LOVE how you list where the shot was taken on some of them. I know some photographers have their “best kept secrets” but one of the things I like about photography is how it’s possible for everyone to see and utilize things differently – including locations 🙂 I wish more people would do that!

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