Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page…


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    ^^interesting name for someone who seems to continually “miss the moment”


    wow, those were stunningly bad


    Hey @Foxtog, you asshole.

    Thanks for the free advertising.

    I’m such a fauxtog, aren’t I.

    <a href=”http://tinypic.com?ref=148aop&#8221; target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i40.tinypic.com/148aop.jpg&#8221; border=”0″ alt=”Image and video hosting by TinyPic”></a>

    I’m guessing this was in response to my message to you. Hmm, I was pretty polite, was I not? I didn’t really like receiving a message from another photographer asking if I was the owner of your bash page and some other bash page. She said more than one photographer thought I was. If they were smarter though they’d see that I am able to spell and use proper grammar. You’re not. So foxtogs, are you even a photographer? Or just a fauxtographer?

    <a href=”http://tinypic.com?ref=2zpifpt&#8221; target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i44.tinypic.com/2zpifpt.jpg&#8221; border=”0″ alt=”Image and video hosting by TinyPic”></a>

    By the way, my image was during an eclipse. I wanted to try something creative so I drove to the highest hill I know of with that view of the sunset, and shot with my 18-55 lens (due to the closeness to the mirror) to capture the eclipse as the sun was setting. I think it’s actually a pretty nice photo. I gave it a soft finish and made the colors pop a little- on purpose. That’s not my portrait lens or camera anyway.


    yeah i don’t see anything wrong with this shot, BEG.


    Foxtog is just pissed over my message. Apparently I have a cliche shot of myself taken in a mirror, so I’m a fauxtog.


    Not sure who Adams707 is but thank you pointing out that GWC at Rock Kandy. Rock Kandy is literally in my backyard and I never knew it.
    I think I have seen both of those guys shooting near  the beach, not sure, but the Keller guy looks familiar. Now I will have to keep a better eye out for these two.

    I also see that he is a member of Glamour Photographers International, Southern California Chapter. I don’t know why but that title reminds me of this for some reason.


    @browneyedgirl.  I don’t even know who you are.  We share photos that are submitted to us, and I assume you were submitted to us.  Your links don’t work.

    Worst Case Scenario

    All in the moment photography……..wow!  What a dreadful site and isn’t that the German national anthem being played over and over in the background?

    Every time I tried to click on an image I got a different one to what I intended, but some where in the wedding gallery I found (by accident) a pic of a bride and groom lighting a candle. On the table, next to the candle is what looks like a dog shit in a jar, with a wick in it. Either that or Shrek made the candles!!



    The link is




    A shot into a mirror does not a fauxtographer make.


    On the table, next to the candle is what looks like a dog shit in a jar, with a wick in it. Either that or Shrek made the candles!!

    I doubt we can blame the photographer for brown candles.   There are actually two of them, both lit!  They did miss the moment though.  The candle is already lit and they are backing the flame away.

    I have to wonder how the symbolism works.  Two candles used to light a third makes some sense as a two become one sort of thing.  Lighting three candles from a butane barbecue lighter doesn’t do anything for me.  What are the couple trying to say?


    @Foxtog- either you’re BSing here or on your FB page. I got a message that someone (several photogs apparently) think I admin your page and some other bash page. I message you that I’m annoyed that happened and that your page is just copying every link from here and copying the yanap owner’s own images that were posted on this website and you’re using them on your page. Personally, it seems redundant. Coincidentally, you post an image I shot that actually is a decent photo (gasp, I used the kit lens though). When I called you out on it for being sneaky, you said you were only doing it to clear my name as being the admin of your page. While that seems plausible, a more tactful way would be to message me and maybe post your own identity and/or at least the state you live in on that page. I just don’t like when people are two-faced.

    I am nowhere near fauxtog status and I’m well-aware of it. I don’t appreciate being featured on your page. A fauxtographer is someone who lacks even basic skills or knowledge in photography, lacks proper equipment to do the job, yet advertises that they’re in the profession yet not delivering a consistent, quality end product. I’m not trying to be haughty or pretentious here.

    And if I was actually submitted, I’m going to blame someone’s jealousy or bitterness thinking I was the admin.


    This is kind of cheating because I shared this one a while back – but I shared their website (complete with blaring, smooth jazz upon clicking…). I like to periodically check in and see if they’ve improved at all.

    I found the facebook. I’m only kind of surprised that nothing has been posted since March. I’m curious if it’s because they got burnt out or if the phone just isn’t ringing.


    Now this may not be hardcore front page fodder, but this one stood out in the “WHY post this?” category”

    Awe heck! Who are we kidding, what senior wouldn’t want this!?


    ok… two back to back… but please tell me if this is a composite. I need a little piece of mind. I really can’t tell if they tried to have that poor baby support it’s head 🙁



    @iliketag as the mom to two little kids, I can definitely say there is no way possible a baby that age could do that on their own. They’d just sort of collapse on their arms and probably keep on sleeping. Actually I’m pretty sure my toddler would just fall over and attempt to sleep through the ordeal even though she actually has the strength to do that.

    But poor baby, he looks so cold and they took way too long to get the shot so his arms started to fall asleep and turn blue 🙁


    I like the giant logo across the page, looks awesome. Not sure who took that photo [enter sarcasm]

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