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  • in reply to: Composites #11822

    Seriously, you need to stop being such a massive TWAT. I know I’m new but from what I’ve seen so far, that isn’t what this community is about. Some of your comments rile me, some I have respected,  learnt something and been grateful for, others such as the above are plain simple bullying.

    Why is it dumb? The issue IS completely subjective and even with your apparently  vast experience and knowledge of photog, by not understanding that, you are demonstrating a lack of knowledge and understanding of art – if you can’t see this is a matter of taste. You call out fauxtogs and no doubt think they bring a bad name to photog – but photographers like you, with such arrogance and disdain for everyone else gives an equally bad name to a beautiful medium.

    in reply to: Composites #11801

    I think this looks good and I really like their poses.

    I do agree with you OP about the b/g though – especially the cars, which appear a bit inconsidered. I think with an image like this, there is a strong sense of narrative and thus every element in the image either adds or detracts from that narrative. Imo there are other locations which would have added more to the image/helped build the story; such as an alley way, a street scene, an urban environment etc. Maybe even a suburban setting which would create an element of irony or humour. Obviously it depends on the story you are wanting to tell.

    From an aesthetic viewpoint, the background is similar in tone and colour to the men, which makes them blend a little into the b/g – though the lighting is very nice (in my book) and does help separate them, I feel a different colour or value b/g would allow them to stand out much more and create a more dynamic image – echoing the dynamic subject matter.

    From a newbie viewpoint I think the execution looks good too.

    Just my two cents 🙂

    in reply to: My Feeble Attempt at HDR #11791

    Thanks ebi, that is interesting.


    Thanks for replying ebi.

    in reply to: My Feeble Attempt at HDR #11785

    I agree with you CC, while it can be totally overcooked, the actual technique is interesting and if done without being ‘evident’ can produce beautiful results, imo.  Maybe I don’t know too much what I’m talking about as I am a noob but I imagine it’s used a lot in magazines in such a way.

    It’s just unfortunately been hijacked by quite a few colour blind people who wanna make everything go ‘POP’!

    in reply to: Critique please #11759

    I know this thread is old but I’ve just stumbled across it and gotta say I really like your photos! I’m a noob (same as you actually, fine art background 🙂 ) But I love the way you capture something very real about childhood, your images seem to cut through the cutesy cliches of child portraiture and capture some of the magic and sometimes strange little worlds that kids tend to inhabit. This is really interesting for me as it’s the kind of thing I’m interested in at the moment. It makes me think of the work of Eli Reed or Sally Mann.

    This is great!


    Damn, ‘a lot you could TEACH people’ I meant – how the frig do you edit on this forum?


    “And even if she improves on a technical level, it won’t help the fact that her photos are just unoriginal drivel.”

    I think art is a massive learning curve and unless someone has absolutely no aptitude for creativity, they can have the potential to get more creative and original as they go along. In art many start by making pastiches maybe without showing too much originality, the creativity can come later. I’m a painter and when I look back at stuff I did ages ago I cringe – it’s a corny mess. Btw, I’m not making any comparision to the OP’s work here, just an observation in general and my response to the above quote.

    Photog wise I’m a relative noob and what I’ve seen of this site so far is great. It offers REAL honest crits from pro’s which is pretty invaluable when your starting out and want to learn. Sure it can be really tough to take, but it is the only way to learn.

    I understand that it must be frustrating when people ask for crits then get all sulky when they get them, but in this case I think the OP had a good attitude to the crits and it was completely unnecessary to be so rude. EVERYONE starts out a bit (or in some cases a lot) crap (not you OP!! another generalisation 🙂 ) But if they ask more experienced people for help and ARE willing to listen, I think it’s the right thing for that said experienced person to offer real advice and impart a bit of wisdom. That’s how artists grow.

    Ebi, you sound like you have a LOT you could people – it’s a shame you’re not.



    Where in particular – and why? Why not try verbalising, maybe using your brain, instead of just ‘it sucks’.


    Maybe point out where she’s gone wrong – you’re just coming across as a bit of a douche otherwise.


    “rude? Nah, just truthful. Your work sucks. The truth is what you asked for. Lucky for you it appears that you live in a place where the people don’t know any better and you are probably a bargain.”

    The only thing that sucks is this attitude. She is asking for help and constructive crit – this comment isn’t it.

    in reply to: Hot pixels? #11654

    lol – what a dummy! Thanks dannybegood 🙂

    in reply to: Hot pixels? #11651

    Oh jeez – it’s a D700 – bought secondhand but barely used – only with about 750 actuations. I bought it about 3 years ago. I got it from a tog store with a good rep and they told me to take it to Nikon – which I can’t find.


    in reply to: Looking for advice #11645

    I’m really enjoying your links IHF! I know I’m a noob here but I have a fine art and teaching backgound so am used to critiques – I know it’s the best way to learn. That is what is so good about this site, actual real meaty crits rather than the usual, ‘awesome capture’ and ‘wow, the colours really POP!!

    I’m seeing though people comparing themselves to other bad photographers, and saying well, my stuff is better than that, so it can’t be that bad. If people pay for those then they should pay for mine etc. When really they should be looking at good work and comparing themselves to that, and then striving to produce work of that standard.



    in reply to: Hot pixels? #11640

    Thank you CC, there are quite a few of them but they aren’t in large groups or clumps – rather dotted around. The link was very helpful and I’ll try a sensor clean or two.

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