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  • in reply to: Fairy pictures. Critique welcome #9021

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Fairy pictures. Critique welcome #9010

    Yes I see that.  Thanks.  These were actually this year, taken over the course of the last week, so I’m not sure why last year’s dates are showing up! Anyways, it was tricky with the way I was positioned, but the trees do make her her kind of blend in.  The last one was taken on a very overcast, cloudy day which has it good points and bad points I guess.  I tend to like sunset time on a sunny day the most.  It was a tricky situation, but thanks!

    in reply to: Getting better…I Hope #8846

    Thank you cameraclicker! It is a very heavy lens and I may have pulled a muscle trying to hold it with one hand 🙂  But thanks for the tip too about the stand.

    in reply to: Getting better…I Hope #8772

    Thanks Stef.  I’m picturing what the first shot would have looked like without the flowers so close, and you’re right.  The stray hairs are again editable in PS I know, but these were just for me as she’s my kid, so I didn’t really worry about that so much.  I actually like the sun/overall warmth of the top picture, but that’s just my opinion.  I think it brough out her eyes a little more.  And the lens/focus issue I feel would have been a little bit easier to accomplish if I wasn’t holding the reflector with one hand.  One more reason I need that stand.  Thanks again!

    in reply to: Getting better…I Hope #8752

    Thank you both.  I do find the focusing on this lens a little bit slow, but as far as quality sooc, I couldn’t be happier.  The white blobs are actually the sky, which I really was trying to avoid as it was blowing out the shots a little bit.  I was also hoping to wait until closer to golden hour, but she was in a good mood, so just getting her when the getting’s good 🙂 I was constantly trying to move hair out of her face, but since she’s my daughter, she wasn’t standing for it from mom 🙂  Another issue I was having focusing was me trying to hold a reflector in one hand and the camera in the other( big no no I know).  I love reflected light, so I may have to buy a reflector stand as I’m sure I won’t have an assistant for this.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #8575

    Found this little gem today.  I love the comment in this picture!

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #8254

    Ok, blessed photography with the hanging baby from the tree….this infuriates me.  The baby doesn’t look safe at all! It’s all fun and games to have some fun with these fauxtographers, but when they attempt these types of shots with babies, it’s worth bringing it to a whole other level.  I have heard of many professional photographers who have been shooting newborns for years who will not even attempt the hanging baby pose due to safety reasons.  Sigh.

    in reply to: Camera Upgrade Question #8170

    Thanks Loke, but any experience with lensgiant?

    in reply to: Wondering if anyone else feels this way… #8140

    I think what kills me more than the photographers charging money are the clients who are willing to pay money for something so bad? I know not everybody has an eye for photography or can tell the differences between pictures taken at different shutter speeds, aperture, etc, but it boggles my mind that someone couldn’t see extreme blur, out of focus, dirty props, red eyes and so forth? Even at $50 that some of these fauxtographers are charging, that’s not cheap to a lot of people.  Some of their work I wouldn’t pay 50 cents! I don’t have a problem with people putting up bad pictures but when they try to sell it or claim they’re a pro, that’s a real issue. Not only are they scamming the consumer, but it’s like they’re making a joke out of the art and work put into making a career in the photography field.  It just makes me sad that so many people have become so laxidasical with what they see as quality.  With a lot of these fauxtographers, I would absolutely demand my money back and blast them wherever I could, but the bad thing is, on a lot of these people’s facebook pages, you see people commenting how good their pictures are, or thank you so much for the amazing session.  Really? Sigh.  Ok..just had to vent

    in reply to: Camera Upgrade Question #8124

    Right now, the way I’m heading is better glass first (possibly 85mm 1.2).  I didn’t even know you could rent a camera like that, but I’ll look into it!

    in reply to: First ever "glitter blowing" #8123

    The flash would make it look great, but right now, doing that outside in my snow filled backyard with my tiny off camera flash system would be an epic failure.  haha.. But something to think about.  Feel free to play with it if you want 🙂

    in reply to: First ever "glitter blowing" #8119

    in reply to: Camera Upgrade Question #8060

    Cameraclicker.  I definitely love the edited version of ballerina legs.  I absolutely see the difference between blown out highlights and not.  Thanks for the edit and showing me the improvement.  The funny thing is after the editing, I said to myself that it looked a little blown out, but I liked the “effect”.  But, seeing it in a different way was amazing.  Browneyedgirl-thanks so much for the advice and for the compliment 🙂  Chiefmanyrabbit-No, I don’t take that story as an insult as all.  Someone that would that would try and market themselves as a professional photographer within days of getting the camera is absurd.  I admit, I was trapped in my ways of thinking that a better camera would automatically make me a better photographer, but would never dream of marketing myself as pro based off just the camera.  And don’t care-we’ve been talking a lot on my other post, but thanks for the boost of confidence.  It is always rewarding hearing that from someone with experience and good at what they do.  But I will tell you all..after all of this talk, work and brain absorbing today, it just ticks me off even more when these “fauxtographers” emerge.  It’s like a joke to them and that’s  bull.  I actually have a funny story that I think you will all appreciate.  So I was talking to a neighbor last night on facebook, and she says “so I hear you’re getting into photography?”.  I tell her yes, and she asks me if I’m going to do it professionally and charge.  I told her that’s my goal to eventually get there.  She says, “well just don’t charge too much because I have a friend that only charges $50 a session and she’s right in our area”.  Well I ask her for the business name because I told her I wanted to do my homework and leads me to this fb page..I have no words..

    And again, I wouldn’t be insulting of her at all if she didn’t claim to be what she is.  That’s the difference between fauxtographer and amateur I guess.

    in reply to: Beginner here. Please let me know what you think #8053

    Cool.  Thanks.  I’ll have to try that

    in reply to: Beginner here. Please let me know what you think #8051

    Ok.  Thank you! Just with the forum today I feel like I already know more about my little canon rebel than I did before 🙂

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