Category: Save the Children Page 12 of 26

The King Of Horse Ladies

We love this one because it really makes you think… Think what the crap is this!?

Speak Up, My Phone’s Blurry

Wow, what a classy portrait! Excellent job editing around that planter!

Daddy’s Drinking Buddy

Totally what every new father thinks when their wife gives birth to a baby girl! Finally, a new drinking buddy!

Happy New Years

Baby is a lightweight! There’s still so much rum left and he’s already passed out!

The Night Before Christmas, Fauxtog Style

A quick look back at some of our favorite images of 2012 and our version of The Night Before Christmas. Make sure you check out all 6 pages!…

A Demon and His Mommy

Oh Fauxtogs, always managing to turn innocent children and happy memories into creepy demons and disturbing images!

Blur Head Baby

It appears the fauxtog got a tiny patch of grass kind of in focus, but that was it…

Just A Sample

Crazy cropping, selective coloring, baby feet emerging from nothing… A perfect sample of what not to do!

Little Flower Baby

This is pretty creepy… It looks like the baby is wearing a red diaper and has some freaky leg thing going on!