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Big Purple Spider

We’re obviously loving that severe angle on this shot, but our favorite part is how they made the little girl look like she’s going grey at the roots!

Baby Vamp

Unless the fauxtog was going for the baby blood-sucker look, which seems unlikely, they probably should have done something about those eyeballs!

What The Flex Is This

For the baby shower, if you’re bringing a gift, all they’re asking for is more bronzer! For the baby of course!

A Photographic Creation

When the chin and jaw disappear, it means you’ve done too much airbrushing!

The Opposite of Flattering

Minimal effort Fauxtography at it’s best! Don’t worry about editing or anything silly like that, just point, click and share it with all of your 25 Facebook fans!

Potty Break

When you’ve gotta go…

Super Girl

You don’t have to worry about your Super Hero outfit burning off if it’s painted on!

Big Poop

Wow, hopefully no one steps in that pile!

That’s One Big Soda

  He looks just as confused about where he is as we are.