Author: the editor Page 12 of 79

Musical Mask

Oh what a great background!

Ultrasound Photo Shoot

Ultrasound photos of babies work just as well as actual babies!

Bucket Warrior

The warrior princes, fighting evil in construction sites all around the world!

Dragon Slayer

They even do Bodoire!

Mighty Morphin’ Power Stance

It appears she is about to transform into something epic and fight the forces of evil!

So So So Bad

If you take a photo that is just horrible in every way, you can trick people into thinking it’s awesome if you put at least 6 watermarks on…

Sloppy Desaturation

We like the concept, just not the execution.

Zebra Zebra

Maybe a bit heavy on the zebra print…

Glowing Girl

This would look way cooler with more airbrushing and if she was glowing even brighter!