Actually i think the first comment is by an actual photographer who has trouble conveying sarcasm in text. Look at the portfolio linked from their name.
Wtf is with these chicks in pics with these pissed off looks? Forget all the “fauxtog errors” even if the pics *were* taken correctly theyre STILL a fail due to the freakin jerky looks on these chicks faces.
Definitely not smiling… there’s no definition in the cheeks or the eyes that say she was smiling… it looks like the fouxtog just colored over her lips…
There is absolutely nothing right about this picture. Also, my heavily medicated 84 year old mee-maw can do lipstick better than that—real or Picnik’d. Holy shit.
if they had just left it alone I think it would have been an okay photo… its sharp and is composed decently… but the models moth expression kills it either way…
and what is it with these fauxtogs spot coloring brown eyes??? only works with blue eyes if youre really good at what you do… but even still its a dangerous gamble. and the hair!! wtf???
it looks like they used a b/w preset which is a big no-no also… ruined the skin tones 🙁
i dont get it, whats supposed to be wrong with it?
just about everything
What’s supposed to be wrong with it? It looks like SHIT.
…You must be the one who did this. Or 14. Can’t decide.
Are you kidding??? LOL!!!
stop confusing the people on here 😉
nice portfolio by the way.
Arrogant Bastard
Don’t feed the trolls.
This has to be a joke?
Felicia K.
Haha, this might be the worst case of selective coloring I’ve ever seen.
First comment is by original fauxtog.
Actually i think the first comment is by an actual photographer who has trouble conveying sarcasm in text. Look at the portfolio linked from their name.
Arrogant Bastard
I’m pretty sure he has no trouble conveying sarcasm. I think it’s more likely that a lot of these commenters have trouble recognizing it.
Successful troll is successful.
I was not all that impressed with their portfolio…
A photographer
I would guess this woman is an android.
The 80’s called…..they said to burn their photo!
There are no words.
Wtf is with these chicks in pics with these pissed off looks? Forget all the “fauxtog errors” even if the pics *were* taken correctly theyre STILL a fail due to the freakin jerky looks on these chicks faces.
A photographer
She may have been smiling before the fauxtographer cut and pasted fake lips on her.
Definitely not smiling… there’s no definition in the cheeks or the eyes that say she was smiling… it looks like the fouxtog just colored over her lips…
I particularly like the spray-tanned (BURNED) forehead. Why go to the trouble of “Air-brushing” if you’re just going to leave the skin blemishes?
Don’t blame the fauxtog, it’s from her “Alternative” album… well, really alternative.
There is absolutely nothing right about this picture. Also, my heavily medicated 84 year old mee-maw can do lipstick better than that—real or Picnik’d. Holy shit.
Ok, this is utterly unbelievable. If I presented to a client, I’m not sure who would be sick first…
Third Eye View
if they had just left it alone I think it would have been an okay photo… its sharp and is composed decently… but the models moth expression kills it either way…
and what is it with these fauxtogs spot coloring brown eyes??? only works with blue eyes if youre really good at what you do… but even still its a dangerous gamble. and the hair!! wtf???
it looks like they used a b/w preset which is a big no-no also… ruined the skin tones 🙁
Third Eye View
mouth*** typo
Bang bang bang… my head hurts.
……and when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.
Wow, just wow. Her skin looks bad, too.
I got pink eye just by looking at this.