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Christmas Eve

If I were you kid, I’d escape out that window quick, Santa looks pissed!

Blur Belly Dog Shot

Is she holding a dismembered hand against her belly? The dog probably thinks it’s for him which is why he’s watching so intently.

Sparkle Christmas Baby

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without all this festive fauxtography! It’d be better…

Baby Big Hands

No one wants to play pattycake with her…

Yellow Frames

So close, one more big yellow frame and this would have been a masterpiece!

Formal Camo

A shot of the bride, in her camouflage gown, fixing her bra strap? It doesn’t get much worse!

Let It Fake Snow

The fauxtog should have at least put some fake sweaters on them if he/she was going to throw them into a fake blizzard!

The Fauxtog Challenge

Lingerie Ninja

At least the fauxtog got her bra strap in focus! It’s okay, ninjas are probably hard to photograph…