Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHis photos look fine, I doubt that you could even shoot half as good as him.
Like I said, just another crap talker on this website.
ParticipantAlso, the fact that you’re on a website where they talk crap on other random people/photographers shows a lot about YOUR personality LOL.
I’m on here not getting along with anyone because most of them get off talking trash on random people/photographers that I would actually defend as I think that it’s out right wrong and most of the people on here are just jealous and/or have personal problems so they get a kickback on talking trash.
Other than that I would want NOTHING to do with anyone registered on here.
ParticipantBCLC just like you said I wouldn’t want to do any work for other photographers especially the ones in my area so I could care less.
Also I took a look at browneyedgirls photos and most look good but his PP technique is trendy of the current style going around so I don’t see how he can talk crap on others when he uses trendy techniques himself.
ParticipantPhotographers aren’t my clients because they do their photos themselves for the most part…..atleast the ones that I know haha.
What’s funny is that I don’t consider myself to be good.
You keep on saying that but I told you that I’m still learning and there are a ton of photographers way better than me out there……
You’re slow to pick that up I guess.
Anyways, some of you guys should work for Canon as I think that I might actually upgrade my gear.
How much of a difference would I see going from a 40D with kit lenses to a 5Dc & an 85 1.8 paired with a 35F2? I hope that there’s a huge jump in quality but I switch gear often (from using zooms to primes etc) as I’m still honing my personal style and improving every photoshoot.
Also, I never said I was hot you know what and I don’t take blurry photos or only use iso 100…….I don’t believe that theres anything wrong with HDR though so to each their own.
When done correctly HDR doesn’t even look like sterotypical “HDR” with it’s cartoonish looked.
ParticipantIt doesn’t manner what opinions you guys have or anything because I’m actually making money from all of this traffic that I’m getting on my website.
I’ve already had two tristate area people contact me today and recieved around $40 from hits alone…..keep up the traffic and keep on spreading the word around to my website/name “” you’re doing me a service :D.
I also find it ironic and humorous that you believed me when I said that I made “6 digits” when it’s obvious that I don’t make 6 digits from photography and I’m pulling your strings.
The fact that you and others fell for it show how naive that you are and basically full of it. I highly doubt that you make a living from photography yourself especially with your attitude and “getting off” talking trash to others on the internet.
I have yet to see anyone post a link to their photos yet besides me in this thread.
Lets see your work so that it can get critiqued!
Also, I only shot 1 self portrait and it was over a year ago, I admit my website needs revamping but that will be coming in the near future.
Keep spreading my name around “” you’re just making me more money and getting my name out there to other photographers brother đ . Luckily photographers aren’t my clients HA.
You can all go back to all of your crap talking to hide your personal issues đ
ParticipantQuote – has posted links to work many times here and it is very nice from what I remember. Certainly professional work. DC gets a lot of good clients because he markets to that demographic and has the quality and the right gear to back it up.
Warren, your photos themselves arenât fauxtographer-ish, but your attitude is. Like that lady who told me, âI donât need to waste the  oney on fancy gear or school, and my photos are amazing!â and her work was horrendous.
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Don’t know what a “fauxtographer is” and could care less but all that I see on this website is a bunch of people with personal issues that get off talking crap on random people on the internet and the people talking crap aren’t even posting their own photos probably because they’re afraid of getting critiqued.
ParticipantQuote –
A âfake proâ, haha..
No, when I go to a job, I take my gear<period>, and I donât have 6, I have 8. Flash isnât only used to âfillâ, it can also be used to overpower. I said, I ârarelyâ ever use all of them (at once). A âfake proâ, haha.. I believe in contingency, idiot. âREDUNDANCYâ, would be another word that fits synonymously. Flashes have a tendency to overheat, they also break fairly easily if they fall, or whatever mishap may occur. I donât get paid in the hundreds, I get paid in the thousands.. When people pay you thousands of dollarsâthey generally have little sympathy for equipment failure. They generally arenât, âwell thatâs ok, weâll just start over when you get that fixed.â It basically comes down to, I donât care how you get this done, but get it done right, and get it done now. If I didnât have backup equipment, Iâd probably end up getting sued. I am HEAVILY invested into my business. But, thatâs what professionals do. Buy professional equipment and have backups ICSH (in case shit happens).. So as far as calling me a fake pro? Iâm not the one strutting around like a half cocked rooster boasting how great housewife equipment is v. pro gear. They market those lenses for consumers without the extra digit before the decimal for a reason.. So call it what you will
So Just because, âIâ can afford what you canât, doesnât make me a âFAKE PROâ. It makes me successful.Â
End Quote
I get paid in the hundred thousands. I actually broke 6 digits this year. Getting paid in the thousands is nothing considering that on my last job I brought in 12K.
Also, you must be using some cheap flashes if your flashes break easily. I have had my single, main flash, fall off of light stands onto concrete, fall on grass, get sand in it, use it at full power for a 1 hour session, and it’s still going strong yet I only paid $70 for it AND it has just about the same power as your $500+ flash đ .
I have planty of backups as well, backup lenses, flashes, body’s, and a bkacup of everything pretty much not to mention I use a new CF card for each job that I do and backup all photos on an external hard drive and have a set CF card with all of those photos in a safe.
I have yet to see any of your “professional photos”…..I’d love to see them though đ
Your successfulness could be a load of crap as well…..after all this is the internet you could lie about who you are and be a fake….who knows.
ParticipantWhere are they?
You seem to just be talking crap in this thread.
Is that all that you’re good at?
ParticipantQuote –
Did⌠did he say the guy with the 1Dx was using the âon camera flashâ? Because⌠the 1Dx doesnât have a flashâŚ. lol
Basically that guy is a tool. Talking about people with inflated egos and bashing others. Not sure heâs looked in a mirror lately. Oh well, assholes happen.
What a silly man. Not willing to invest in his business or take sound advice from others. Kind of humorous.
Anywho, Bitchslap, donât start flipping out telling us to âmove the conversation to an appropriate threadâ. There is only like, one admin here and we canât move posts willy nilly, so weâll finish it here when itâs ready. Besides, most of the regulars donât mind the conversation.Then we can move along to more fauxtogs who should be featured on the main page. I think the puzzle one takes the cake for that of the recent posts.
I havenât been having issues with the links, but every time I post it does kick me back to the first page. We should start a new thread in a little, but weâve got 14 pages til 100! We should wait to hit thatÂEnd Quote
He was using an on camera speed light rather.
Also, where are your photos? Lets see them before you go around talking crap about something that you have no experience in like the rest of the trolls out there.
It’s easy to talk crap, especially behind a monitor.
So where are the photos?
What else are you good at besides sitting on a chair, eating Twinkies, and talking crap?
ParticipantDon’ is probably a fake pro.
Who would carry around 6 $500 flashes and use them for a simple fill light and rely on wide aperture shooting primarly?
As far as my photos and sharpness are concerned.
Pretty much every photo on my website is tack sharp even @ 100% most are tack sharp even beyond 100%.
I edited a headshot today that was razor sharp beyond 100% and that was with the 55-250 @ F5.6
People don’t want to believe that their $2,000 lenses are not $2,000 better image quality wise than a $100 “kit lens” and I can’t blame them.
When I say that my photos are sharp I mean pixel peeping beyond 100% view sharp.
I can pretty much get any size print done with my photos and they will still be tack sharp and full of contrast & color.
The difference between a 55-250 & $2,000 70-200 image quality wise is going to be relatively small considering the 20X difference in price.
Like I said, law of diminishing returns. The difference is there, just most would not be able to say which photos were taken with one lens over another in a pool of 20+ photos.
ParticipantI’m not on a high horse. I know that there are a ton of photographers out there that bare way better than me and I even said this in my first post.
I will NOT however sit on my ass eating doughtnut sticks while talking crap about other photographers/people on the internet.
It is downright disgusting & rude to talk crap on others especially on the internet as it is hurtful and just plain ignorant and personally I could care less about what you think about me, my photos, my articles, my website, or my opinions.
Also kit lenses could be the 24-105L lens which costs almost $1,000 on it’s own so pretty much any lens could be labeled as a “kit lens”.
Having good lighting and the knowledge of how to use it will give you better photos than any lens is capable of on it’s own with a camera body and good PP technique.
The lens that you use is the second least important aspect of your photography right behind which body you use.
So I could care less about what the so called “professionals” on here think about my photos or my opinions as far as I could tell most people on here are just crap talkers that sit on their butts eating ding dongs.
The fact that I’m posting on a website called “yournotaphotographer” almost makes me sick.
I won’t be posting back on here again have fun talking crap on others.
ParticipantI’ve never heard of clients that go to such extremes……also if clients cared about gear so much we wouldn’t be hearing about photographers using micro 4/3rds and Iphones on paid photoshoots.
If a client really cared about gear than I’ll just pull out a prime lens but honestly, the clients where I live don’t care about your gear they’re more amazed about the lighting equipment.
I get comments all of the time from clients and random people saying stuff like “wow you bring all of that fancy lighting equipment with you on all photoshoot’s?”
Most could care less about what lens you use…..heck if they care so much why don’t they make you use Medium Format Digital Body’s and Leica lenses?
I have already shot paid gigs and they don’t care about which gear they use, one guy had a 1Dx and he was using on camera flash. Me and another photographer had a good lighting setup inside the venue. Guess who made the money? Us the one with better lighting.
If a client doesn’t want to work with me because I don’t use the most expensive Canon gear than I don’t want to work with him anyways as his understanding of what makes a good photo is that of a beginner (most beginners think that gear makes the photo).
Also, I’ve compared a photo taken from my 40D to a 5Dc and 5Dmkii in a direct comparison and could not tell the difference at iso 100 & 200 so again, a client that bases your ability on what body you use is uneducated or has been mislead ed to believe in non sense.
The #1 most important thing when it comes to the quality of your photo is the LIGHTING, not the lens, not the body, not because your lens has a red stripe around it.
I’d rather have a cheap micro 4/3rds setup and a really good understanding of lighting a long with good lighting equipment vs a 5Dmkiii and an average understanding of lighting.
You can take a photo with a cheap 6MP P&S but if you know your way around good lighting and what looks good you can produce photos that look absolutely amazing especially if you use a low iso.
Also iliketag personally I don’t like this website at all.
All that it is, is a bunch of photographers with inflated egos taking crap on other photographers or people that post their photos online or charge money for their photos.
I’m not into all of that negativity or making fun of people on the internet sitting on my ass when I could be doing something positive or productive (not that this conversation is productive anyways as it’s just going to be “I’m right because my clients……” or “You’re wrong because my clients…….” and so forth.
It’s actually pretty stupid of me to keep on going on with this conversation.
ParticipantYour opinion of vastly different is way different than mines.
I saw no difference in image quality which includes sharpness or micro contrast/clarity.
Sure, the first photo had less DOF but I can zoom in the 55-250 to the equiv of 400mm and blow out the background just as well.
Also my style does not revolve around completely blown out backgrounds.
I still like some details in the background hence why IS and dragging the shutter is so important for me……if I wanted completely blown out backgrounds I’d just go get another Canon 85 1.8. or zoom to 250mm @ F5.6.
Not all photographers shoot the same either. Like I said I started out shooting the whole blow the background out completely style but than I started to incorporate my background more with my subject. The blow te background style is the easiest in my opinion hence why theres so many photographers that shoot with fast primes and no additional lighting quipment. They just blow the background out and most of the time the photos look great BUT if a photographer learns to incorporate the background with the subject and leave some background detail in, in my opinion photos turn out more appealing to my eye but we come back to square one….what looks good to some looks bad to others….photography is subjective.
The only time that I like to completely blow out the background is if the background does not add to my subject in which case I zoom out to 135mm+ and use F5.6 or lower which for me, blows out the background completely.
About the quality of gear.
I already dropped my 55-250 on concrete and it’s still fine. A lens is only as strong as it’s weakest part (it’s glass).
I know a photographer that dropped his 24-70 off an 8 foot platform and it destroyed the glass even though it had a metal body.
So the question should be, what if any photographer drops his lens on a photoshoot with a client and the glass cracks? The answer is simple. Bring backups lenses.
I will be acquiring a Canon 18-200 F5.6 IS in the near future which will be my backup.
I have used my 55-250 in the rain and have had no problems with rain not to mention not all $1,000+ lenses are weather sealed.
I don’t use circular polarizers I see no point when I can bracket or bring down the sky in PP.
If the AF motor dies I’ll switch lenses or switch to a backup.
Also, just because you buy an expensive L lens DOES NOT mean that any of the above problems can happen to you.
I have heard and know of photograpgers that dropped their L glass on a photo shoot, the AF stops working on their USM motor, the glass breaks, or it rains and gets inside the lens or the body is not weather proof and the body goes down the crapper.
If anything I can have even more backups than someone that invests all of their money into 1 or 2 L lenses. I could afford 10 Canon standard lenses and have more backups than them if need be (I would bever do this I’m jyust making a point).
Expensive cars just like expensive lenses break as well and your lens will only be as strong as it;s weakest point (the glass).
Also, why would I get a 24-105F4L? Again, it’s only 1 stop faster than my 55-250 AND it’s zoom range is not even comparable and the IS is not as good (3 stop vs 4 stop I believe) and my 18-55 can go wider.
The 17-40L is also a waste in my opinion. Why get that when I can get the Tamron 17-50 2.8 for $350 brand new?
I have used FF body’s by the way. I have used the 1DX, 5Dc, 5Dmkii, and the Nikon D3. The difference between even FF and crop body at the lower isos that I use them at is neglible.
You put too much emphasis on the gear and not enough emphasis on the lighting, technique, posing, and PP skills in my opinion.
Also believe it or not I have yet to meet a single pro that uses ETTR when shooting portraiture.
I still stand by what I had to say about it. I have tested it out and have not seen a difference but the risk of blowing highlights.
Me and you obviously disagree on many points I think that it’s best that we stop here.
All the best to you and your photography/business.
ParticipantAlso, none of my clients are going to be getting poster sized prints done where the tiny differences in sharpness & micro contrast do show up in and even if they did the lenses that I use a long with PP technique and lighting will still produce good posters……
Most will be using smaller files on their website and for advertisements and possibly extremely small photos on their business cards where even the best photographers/pixel peepers will not see a difference between lenses.
ParticipantQuote –
Left comparison is a less than amazing sigma 70-200 @f2.8 in first and @f5.6 in the second. On the right is a 55-250 @f5.6 in both. All at 70mm. Sigmas are known to render colours a bit warmer than canons but that would just be down to sorting the balance out in post from a grey card which I didnât do here but I set the colour temp and colour balance to the same for comparisons sake. All three shots are straight out of camera apart from a small (1/4 stop) increase in exposure on the canon as it isnât as transmissive at the same aperture. There is also a softbox on the right with a speedlight in it. End Quote
I looked at both comparison photos. I don’t see a significant difference between the $1,000 Sigma and the Canon 55-250. Â In both photos I could not tell which lens is which.
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Iâll have to expand on this a little later, but I really think the backbiting for recommending professional grade equipment for a professional service is REALLY unprofessional on your part Warren. Itâs one thing to defend your position but to say that no one could tell the difference between an L and your telephoto currently is outrageous. A customer without the knowledge of equipment? Sure, they wonât necessarily know the difference (or even care!) but another photographer would definitely see the difference. Especially if comparing a scene shot with both side by side.
I donât care what equipment you use. Complaining about the cost of the high end, professional level equipment really annoys me and when people are like âI just canât afford ______â. Guess what then, you canât afford to invest in your business and that really puts a doubt in a clientâs mind. Even if the images are great, it catches someone off guard and gives a poor impression to show up to a paid shoot with consumer level equipment. I know, Iâve done itâŚ
Iâm not trying to say youâre bad or you canât continue doing what youâre doing⌠I just advise you to think about the impression you make. People are shallow, itâs not something they necessarily control at first. You can change their mind with great images, but itâs just one of those things to consider.
Also, donât ever tell me to compare my 70-200 to a 55-250. I have both, and they are worlds different in quality. (<- thatâs my angry moment)
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The 55-250 is professional enough for me. It’s been dropped, banged, taken a true beating and still holds up just fine.
Anyone that says that it is not “sharp enough” has not used it extensively.
Why would I want to go out of my way to spend $2,000 on a lens where my 55-250 is already TOO SHARP for my needs. The amount of PP that I need to do to remove blemishes, very tine spots, and reduce the sharpness is insane to the point where I’m considering getting some light cloth to cover my lens to make the lens a little bit less sharp when photographing women.
Also, yes I do realize that the L lenses are going to be better lenses but really you’re getting into the law of diminishing returns once you go past the kit lenses.
Case in point, the $2,100 Canon 70-200L F2.8 IS USM II is not going to be 21X times better than the 55-250 considering build quality, image quality, and IS/USM.
I know photographers with 1DX’s and 5Dmkii’s and L prime lenses that take crap photos…..I’d say it’s less about the gear that you use and more about lighting….after all photography is painting with light. I spend/have spent enough money on quality lighting and editing software and those two are going to be more important than any lens or camera body that I buy.
Like I said, there are pros shooting with cheap body’s and kit lenses it’s the same thing with a lot of musicians. Why should I spend $2,100 on a lens when my current equipment does everything that I need it to do? It makes no sense whatsoever.
You can consider the 55-250 to be “unprofessional” all you want but in reality I’d rather put my money into marketing and eventually when I feel like it upgrade to FF and L lenses which I’m suspecting will still follow the trend of diminishing returns as I am friends with guys that shoot with 5Dmkii’s and L lenses with good lighting and it all comes down to lighting, technique, and PP not if you used a 55-250 or 70-200 to get a photo.
Also, would you consider the Tamron 17-50 2.8 & Sigma 17-50 a long with the Sigma/Tamron 70-200’s to be unprofessional as well since they cost less than the Canon equivalent and are not encased in a metal body?
Your last point was about impression. Well I know for a fact that most clients do not care about what kind of lens that you use they are much more impressed with the lighting equipment that I bring with me as I get comments on that all of the time that I go out shooting on location.
They care about how you look, how good your website looks (I admit my website still has a lot of work that needs to be done, I need to get a good template and fix a few things), and your personality not your gear. Having big lenses like the 70-200 Â F2.8 IS II might even make some clients nervous at first hence why on BHPhoto you can buy stickers to make your lenses look less intimidating and a few pros that I know off of the top of my hand use those stickers for that reason.
A Canon kit 55-250 or 18-55 is not going to be intimidating. Also, would the 24-105F4L also be considering inferior and not “professional” to you as well? After all that is considered a kit lens as well…..
Food for thought.