Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page…


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    @Thomas- I have a Fuji Bridge camera. And while they can take some amazing shots they really are limited on what they can do. I would never dream of using it for a paid shoot, Let alone show up to a paid shoot with dead batteries. I always carry extras with me. I also make ure to check my batteries before I even leave home. I mean any SMART photographer would.


    There are people in every artistic field that have been encouraged by their friends and family that their work is special it seems.



    @ Photocriticgirl   That’s not the worst one from the senior session. I think this one is worse…

    I agree with Thomas though, there is absolutely hope for these fauxtogs… but they should not be charging…


    From Carly’s page:

    “A lot of photography firsts last week! First time being asked to do a shoot at the last minute, first time getting a free lighting class, first time playing in a studio, first time using lighting and backdrop, first time borrowing $1,000 worth of equipment from a friend, first time shooting a school dance, first time I learned to add text to a photo, first time putting Drake to work, first bad run in with a client, first wedding……still lots to learn but I’m getting there!”

    Jeez, that’s way too many firsts to be charging, and she even writes that she has lots to learn… then why the heck are you shooting a wedding? And bad run-in with a client? Is that really something to post about and be proud of?


    I suppose there is a market for people that just don’t want to spend a lot of money of photos. I would assume if they like the pictures on her FB page, they will like the pictures she takes of their wedding.


    I have a feeling if things keep going the way they are for her, there are going to be many more bad run-ins with clients in her near future….


    This one’s been advertising on the local buy/sell group.

    Yeah… https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=254906061203994&set=a.254906044537329.75199.240117699349497&type=3&theater

    That photo is from 2010, but their recent work is just as bad. How can a photographer not improve over two years?

    It’s obvious she is shooting with a point-and-shoot.


    There is another local photog who HAS improved greatly since she started a few years ago… she’s just in college though and she’s a little childish in her postings. I still wouldn’t hire her as I don’t think her work is that great yet, but she has potential. And her business name is the worst, most generic, and uses the word “photo” in it before the “photography” part.  I’m not posting a link or a name but this is from her profile:

    “Any suggestions for names for camera’s? I want to name my current one and my second one I’ll be getting this summer:)”

    Oh come on. You’re concerned about giving your camera a pet name?



    Oooh BEG:   I think this one might be my favorite


    Poor thing. He’s even kinda cute even though he’s sad. If you look at the rest, the editing just kills them! Cute baby, bad fauxtog D:


    I’m concerned if she is a “pro” that she hasn’t got a backup body


    I doubt she does. I have 3 bodies but only one is FF. I’d love to get a 5d III and make my II my backup!


    To be fair, I’m sure there are people who have shot their first weddings without a back up body. It’s not the best of ideas, but sometimes, just starting out – especially if it’s a favor to a friend or family member – aspiring photographers can’t afford a back up body.
    I don’t think that should be used to gauge a pro at all.


    I disagree.  If you’re not set up to do the job and have the equipment to do so, then you’re not pro.  I doubt my dentist doesn’t have a backup drill or that my regular doctor doesn’t have a backup way to take blood pressure, etc.  There are aspects to running a business and this is one of them.  “Just starting out” should mean hobby and not quite a business yet, when you want to go pro, you handle it like a pro.  I think this is different from owning high-end gear.  You can run a business and be pro with lower end cameras if you know how to use them, just like your doctor might take all the blood pressure the old-fashioned way (ie not digitally) but in any job, it’s expected that if you’re advertising to do something, you have covered all your bases.  It’s like going to the mechanic and they say, sorry, our last wrench broke, we can’t work on your car until we order another one, or sorry, your car is going to take 4 more hours because that guy over there is using our one screwdriver.  Unacceptable.


    I’m not even sure which person we’re referencing. Are they advertising themselves as a professional or as an amateur/hobbyist?

    I’m not saying I disagree that it’s important to have a back up. I just think if I paid a nominal amount for a photographer for something like a wedding, I wouldn’t necessarily expect that. I would be disappointed if their camera failed, absolutely and I probably wouldn’t pay them if they aren’t delivering… but I guess that could be because I have an understanding of “you get what you pay for”. I’m not condoning it either, but I do understand where it’s coming from and I have seen other pros that are fantastic, that don’t have a spare. It makes me worried but that’s their gamble.


    We’re referencing the girl who wants to name her camera and also the other camera she’s getting this summer.

    Yes, I did shoot my first wedding not having a backup body. At the time I did not consider myself a pro and didn’t even advertise my services… I was asked by a coworker to shoot her wedding because she liked my photography. She knew well up front that I had never done a wedding. I charged like a fauxtog. But the only reason I don’t consider myself to have been a fauxtog at that time was that I wasn’t advertising myself for hire at all. My images weren’t great by my standards now but they beat her expectations especially for what she paid me.

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