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    Roxanne, I agree with you.  Misty Nolan and Jennifer Teague may have had a couple of poor shots on their pages, but you are having to really cherry pick to get TERRIBLE shots.  They belong nowhere near Cathleen and her ilk.  Please consider the whole of somebodies work before you use 3-5 pictures to completely trash them.

    Southern Belle Photography, which you already posted once before Bri, is definitely in Faux territory.  She is most of the stereotypes we have previously suggested.  Looks like she’s a young Marine wife who has a D3100 with just the kit lens and pop-up flash.  Additionally she is now working at a Sears Portrait Studio.  Maybe she’ll learn the value of a real flash in making much better shots and will improve.  She’s not as bad as Cathleen or some others, but she has a lot of room to improve.


    This site is a bunch of worthless people who have way to much time on their hands and get off on making others feel bad when they themselves are nothing but a piece of shit!

    I have personally checked some of these links and find nothing wrong with any of the photos you worthless people are bashing.. Get a life and leave other people alone!!


    All of you who are judging others for what they are doing, I would really love to see your photos and allow other people to judge them. Or are you just as worthless in your photography as you are in judging other people



    oh, and ps this is NOT winnie bruce so you can stop harassing her


    what is happening to this post?


    It looks like some ppl dont really agree with this site and its bashing of photographers good bad or whatever they are still photographers and some people actually like their work



    i mean like i liked checking this post to see spotted fautogs, but not it’s just getting crazy with the last few posts on here


    haha, awesome.


    A buddy’s wife (who happens to be a military spouse – gee, go figure) just got a D5100 2 days ago.  I suspect I’ll be posting her Facebook photography page next week after she has the weekend to do some “shoots”.


    Rodeo – Actually quite a few of us have portfolios on this forum. Just look. Also seriously, pull a photo of someone in this thread ( with the exception of a few link that people have defended as poor choices for this forum) and then google Child Photography. Actually here I did it for you : https://www.google.com/search?q=Child+photography&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=gd0&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=o2glUbLFBufyiQLH54GoCw&ved=0CFMQsAQ&biw=1246&bih=918

    Now compare. This is the point we are making here. I’d say a good amount of the people on that page started out with some bad decisions in composition and editing, but I can guarentee that they didn’t charge for it when they did. AND they got better, and quick, Since NOTHING in the photography industry is cheap, except maybe a nifty fifty ( 1-2 hundred dollars lol )


    I spent 4 years in the army, I know all too well about mildeps and their “home grown businesses”.. From bakers to candy makers, crochet to paper mache.. Some how, you put a bored mildep in a fenced-in community with an AAFES px/bx whatever you may have and they suddenly are the most talented people in the world.


    God knows, there was one block that each house had it’s very own “photographer”.


    ..Should’ve seen the birthdays and block parties.. You could suffer from a major epilepsy seizure from all the popup flashs trying to auto focus.


    It really irritates the shit out of me that a ‘pro’ is using one of a, “gmail, hotmail, yahoo, ISP” or any such email address..  I mean, if you’re going to fake the funk; splurge.. Spend 8 bucks and at least get an E-Mail that’s you@fakethefunkphotography.tld


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