
I wonder how much it costs to get a fauxtographer to come to my kids school to take blurry snapshots of the kids looking the other way. By the way, this was part of an “Easter shoot.”

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  1. jennifer

    but it’s photojournalistic!

  2. carolsworld

    That blue chair is in focus, though….

    • Anonymous

      And who’s to say the photographer was trying to capture the children and not the chair. It’s art people….

  3. I think its a great picture. They composed it well, the lighting is decent and it’s well enough in focus to make everything out well.

    Personally I think you’re all being a little hard on the person. Shame on you.

    Also shame on me for attempting to be funny but failing 🙂

  4. is that kid picking his nose?

  5. ok so this photo is listed as “28 of 88” in the album – fauxtogs, are you listening? edit yourselves…please. from 88 photos just choose the top 10-15 at the most. As a “professional” you should only publish/release your BEST images – not anything like this! you’re not doing anyone any good by including images that belong in the trash bin…you’re definitely not doing your reputation any good either! Anything that goes out with your name on it represents your business and your talent…can you get a client with this photo? no, then don’t post it! Exercise the “delete” option for images like these…and probably at least 60+ images in this album (I assume).

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