Suntanned Santa

Looks like someone’s been roasting on an open fire.

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  1. really?

  2. What Santa would look like, if genetically spliced with an Oompa-Loompa.

  3. dafuq?

  4. Did she fall asleep with her sunglasses on? Not a huge fan of the reversed raccoon look. Awful. Awful. AWFUL. Somebody take that Rebel & kit lens away from them.

  5. looks like she’s getting ready for a sleigh to fall on her.. turning white with fear is a feat.. yuck this is just awful

  6. I can’t put a finger on what bothers me most about this picture.. the awkward pose, the white vignette, the piss-looking stain in the upper left of the photo or the way that they made this lady look like a recently strangled Snookie.

  7. I love how these fauxtogs think you need to use the brush tool for high key photography, not only that but then they do a piss poor job of it.

    Oy! Fauxtogs … high key is done with proper lighting, not in post process!

  8. She’s magenta. Why?

    And the pose…..ran over by a reindeer?

    • …and that yellow patch in the upper left corner reminds me of a line from a Zappa song…”Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow.”

  9. Another hubby who thinks it’s a good idea to post one of his more playful shots on the internet, and adds “photography” to his name.
    This has not been shot by a professional photographer. My definition of that term explicitly excludes people who come up with crap like this. They do fit the term “golddigger photog”, however.

  10. OMG just hideous

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