Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe camera glitched out, so I made the best with what I got… It wasn’t the first time my camera took a completely dark image, that I had to bump the exposure up four stops in lightroom… I actually thought it looked kinda cool to be honest…
ParticipantI’m being told by my professors and the career services of my school to try and get as much experience as possible, so I kind of have to listen to them and offer some sorts of service. They drill into you “Don’t wait til you graduate to start finding clients, do it now before”
I only shot for that specific bride because she was a friend. I am completely not surprised of her reaction, knowing the girl’s personality. She would not have been happy with ANYONE’s shots, because she wasn’t happy with that day (her family sort of overruled her on several decisions).
Only reason I’m ‘defending’ is because some of the shots that were critiqued were indeed snapshots, up on my dA so the subjects can see themselves in their cosplays they worked so hard on. They are watermarked since dA unfortunately has a rep for attracting art thieves… And if you look on the deviation page it says what the image was shot with, and choosing a cellphone image to critique? Of course it won’t be as good as even a point and shoot.
It is a long term goal, one I’ve been working on for the past four years, and the race is simply called: Student Loans. Retail won’t cover those unfortunately
ParticipantWish there was a way to quote on this forum… would make replying a heckuva lot easier…
Images 1-4 were at an anime con, and I was getting their costumes… Except for the last one, they were snapshots… For the posing in image one, if you’ve seen Mary Martin’s Peter Pan, that’s the exact same pose both ladies struck as the boy who never grew up. As for the bags on the ground, she had nowhere else to put them, and I wanted to capture her entire outfit. The second was a ‘WTF? The stand-up comedian has a cosplayer?’ taken quickly before leaving the room to go to another panel. The third I’ll agree I could’ve had the background less in focus, and the fourth, well it was the beginning of the end of my camera. It refocused at the last second before the shutter released…
“Not So Joy” aka the fifth image, was actually taken for a class assignment, to practice using reflectors. We were supposed to get it that dark, and the lightening in the shadows is a gold reflector.
“Man Up” was a cellphone shot, uploaded to my gallery on a whim. Again, dA isn’t my professional portfolio, and I wanted to give tips of the ‘behind the scenes’ look at how lighting was set up by my teacher, to hopefully help other people (and remember myself)
Thank you for the compliments on the tunnel. The ISO was high since I had no way of knowing how bright it would be in there (it was basically a plastic bounce-house without the bounce, all lit from the sun which was going in and out of the clouds)
For the wedding ones, 18 was taken just after the flower girl had a meltdown, but that often happens with weddings so I captured both good and bad (my mom for example remembers that the flower girl fell asleep under the altar at her wedding, and she wishes she had even a snapshot of that). 12 I’m going to assume because you don’t like the selective color (which I did miss on her ear a tad, I’ll admit) but the bride actually requested it. I also remember looking through other wedding albums and seeing the back of the hair shot, to remember the hairdo. As for 5, I took it without flash, but unfortunately caught someone else’s, so I had to make do with what I had.
ParticipantLike I said, my portfolio is in progress, and dA is not my portfolio as much as it is where I put my photos, good and bad, for critiques. Plus the images I just plain love. The droplet was taken early in my studies, and the doll shot was showing off her new outfit outside downtown. Unfortunately I haven’t updated for a while, and I’m going to post new images some time tonight, if my internet will allow that
ParticipantI don’t really have my full portfolio up there, that’s where I post everything I like. My dolls, still lifes, cosplay, furries, things that I like that I know other people probably wouldn’t. I’m setting up a portfolio site in a class right now.
And still, can you (general you) give examples of the worst and why? I mean do a full critique here (or on the site if you have a dA)
ParticipantZohh: can I have examples? Not suee what you mean by ‘awkward poses’
Participant@Stacaka: I have them, but they’re further back in my gallery… I really need to group them together but I’ve been lazy ^^;
Participant-_- I am a fluffy photographer, and I shoot more along the five levels of fatness then I do skinny, simply because some people are built differently. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the
beer holderbeholder. I know I’m fluffy, and I also know I’m beautiful -