Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? .. Fauxtog of the worst kind.

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    I love other photographers. This woman however attacks other photographers, and calls their clients offering cheaper services.. I am not sure if this kind of Fauxtog needs a new name.




    How does she find out other people’s clients?

    Yes, her shots are bad. I’m just trying to figure out if you’re one of the togs whose clients were being courted.


    I didn’t actually see any attacks on other photogs on that page.


    I’m a client not a charging photographer. Been going to the same person for years for my pictures and in a small area, this woman wants to discredit the other photographers in the area. She will tell you they charge way to much offer cheaper or free services and her ‘work’ is ridiculous, I just don’t get how anyone can buy camera and other people will pay them. Shouldn’t it be illegal?


    Regardless, where are the attacks on other photogs? I’ll be happy to believe you as soon as you demonstrate that what you’re saying has a shred of truth. Right now, you’re just spouting undocumented bs. That is the same crime you accuse this fauxtog of doing.


    I am guessing you are from Davidson ? would you mind messaging me? There is only 3 photographers in Davidson so I’m curious if you are  a client of mine or Joanne’s… I understand if you’d rather not say.




    This one does the same thing. Annnnnd tells them that using contracts is unnecessary and unprofessional. <insert eye roll here>


    ugh………. train tracks


    Train wrecks, what? o.O




    Oh my, those are horrible images! And the other one that was mentioned for spelling their logo wrong- why on earth is it such a pattern with fauxtogs to put words in the pictures (like names and dates) or “creatively” try to fit their “watermark” into part of the image? What’s wrong with just a simple watermark or logo to keep others from copying it off of the internet?

    Nice stick front-and-center. Lol. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=507001049324995&set=a.347497775275324.89758.347319511959817&type=1&theater


    It’s amazing how fast a tree can grow a dead branch, or a graffiti covered train car can roll into your photo.  Sometimes garbage cans run into the background too.  I suppose a positive thought would be that the brightness of the branch and sharp shadow means fill flash was used.  Of course that might have been the camera’s idea.


    I think it is my bloody choice who I pick to take my photos……and if you dont like the train tracks and cars and branches and trees….etc…..then DONT look at them!!!!!!  If I like them…..then thats all that matters!!!!!!!  This is a photo of my family…NOT YOURS!!!!  Grow the hell up and find something better to do with your time.  Volunteer or help others out  if you have so much spare time to critisize my family photos!!  All I know is that…..not ANYONE can take photos cause I know my $100 Walmart camera cant take pictures like that!!!!!


    November 14, 2012 at 7:38 pm #4568



    I think it is my bloody choice who I pick to take my photos……and if you dont like the train tracks and cars and branches and trees….etc…..then DONT look at them!!!!!! If I like them…..then thats all that matters!!!!!!! This is a photo of my family…NOT YOURS!!!! Grow the hell up and find something better to do with your time. Volunteer or help others out if you have so much spare time to critisize my family photos!! All I know is that…..not ANYONE can take photos cause I know my $100 Walmart camera cant take pictures like that!!!!!


    I couldnt agree more! The only reason to try and bad mouth other photographers is that your scared people think they are better than you. Grow up! If you want to bitch then do it in the mirror! Your really the only one your convincing! I have gotten my pictures done by photographers and i love them! Just because you can find so called “flaw” in them is because your looking to try and make yourself feel better! I truely feel bad for you if thats all you can do with your time and energy is to try and beak others for doing a good job at what they love!


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