Ladies, if a man puts you in the back seat of a car and poses you like this, it’s not his portfolio he’s building. Technically, this isn’t good. Composition sucks for starters.
Nothing like getting hacked off at the wrist and ankle or getting photographed in a way that does not flatter the body. I’ve seen this concept executed well, but shooting a woman from that angle makes even the skinniest of women look big.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching America’s Next Top Model is the part of the body closest to the camera looks the biggest. This is no exception. That hip looks HUGE.
Could have sworn I posted a reply about weird places to have sex, such as on the hard tile floor of some dude’s job’s bathroom, or in a very small car parked in the university parking lot when a friend came to visit back when I was a TA, Or hanging on the buoy in Lake Castaic (SoCal). The last DID NOT WORK.” Strangely, water is a poor choice for lube.
If they had gone for a wider angle lens, it would have introduced more distortion and made her backside look even bigger.
The problem here is the person taking the photo and not the equipment. If you have lower end gear, and/or don’t have a lens suitable, then you work around it and either choose a different pose or place the model somewhere where you can photograph them properly.
The model is also very awkward and the look on her face is stuck somewhere between a grimace at being so uncomfortable and possibly “what the **** am I doing here?”.
Unless you cut a car in half, you cannot get a decent shot in a situation like this. A wide angle lens distorts near objects at the expense of distant ones. This lady appears to be very pretty, but the wide angle lens makes her butt look huge, and the pose accentuates what little cellulite she has. (I’ll bet she can rock a pair of low-riser jeans.) Whenever a woman has a large bottom and smallish boobs, you should pose her so the face is nearest the camera; this will make her boobs look larger, and her bottom look either smaller or proportionate. All that said, this is a hideous set for a photo anyway, but I’d hit it.
You guys at “YANAP” should really go browsing for pictures to post here. You will have a field day with all the “pros”/rapists who populate that site. So many half naked girls with CAUTION tape draped over them.
Nothing like getting hacked off at the wrist and ankle or getting photographed in a way that does not flatter the body. I’ve seen this concept executed well, but shooting a woman from that angle makes even the skinniest of women look big.
Marie Teemant
It’s the wide angle. Shoot farther back with a telephoto, and it resolves the issue pronto.
Marie Teemant
Although… there are probably a dozen other thing this fauxtographer needs to learn as well.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching America’s Next Top Model is the part of the body closest to the camera looks the biggest. This is no exception. That hip looks HUGE.
But at least she’s happy. Oh, wait…
grateful mom
I like the tat.
A good photographer would have photoshopped the cellulite off her bum!
grateful mom
Could have sworn I posted a reply about weird places to have sex, such as on the hard tile floor of some dude’s job’s bathroom, or in a very small car parked in the university parking lot when a friend came to visit back when I was a TA, Or hanging on the buoy in Lake Castaic (SoCal). The last DID NOT WORK.” Strangely, water is a poor choice for lube.
How did this get throught admin? Talk about off-subject…
This is what happens when your kit lens only goes out to 28mm. Handless arms and footless legs.
Get a real lens.
Andrew Mills
If they had gone for a wider angle lens, it would have introduced more distortion and made her backside look even bigger.
The problem here is the person taking the photo and not the equipment. If you have lower end gear, and/or don’t have a lens suitable, then you work around it and either choose a different pose or place the model somewhere where you can photograph them properly.
The model is also very awkward and the look on her face is stuck somewhere between a grimace at being so uncomfortable and possibly “what the **** am I doing here?”.
Mel C
I don’t know what’s worse… the cropping or the scenario that this photo is capturing?
Trashy!! Eww.
The Charlie Scott
Unless you cut a car in half, you cannot get a decent shot in a situation like this. A wide angle lens distorts near objects at the expense of distant ones. This lady appears to be very pretty, but the wide angle lens makes her butt look huge, and the pose accentuates what little cellulite she has. (I’ll bet she can rock a pair of low-riser jeans.) Whenever a woman has a large bottom and smallish boobs, you should pose her so the face is nearest the camera; this will make her boobs look larger, and her bottom look either smaller or proportionate. All that said, this is a hideous set for a photo anyway, but I’d hit it.
The Charlie Scott
I’ll ask it. Being very old and most unhip, what does “NSFW” stand for?
“Not Safe For Work” – a tag for those of us that live with content filters and sexual harassment lawsuits.
The Charlie Scott
Not safe for work.
Not suitable for women.
Sorry to see that she was amputated in the wreck. The posing looks like an ad for a low rent escort service and the fauxtograppy is even worse.
Loving the cellulite!
You guys at “YANAP” should really go browsing for pictures to post here. You will have a field day with all the “pros”/rapists who populate that site. So many half naked girls with CAUTION tape draped over them.