Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? well, *deep breath* lets see how this goes

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    I dont charge for my “services” since I’m still a student and working on my Photography degree. All of the images in my Flickr album have been or are class assignments currently in progress, some are edited with a watermark, some are completely unedited…



    Doing fine.  Keep going.


    I like your subjects!

    For the photos with the flash you should try and balance the ambient light a little better… the flash is too powerful and they just look like snapshots with a point-and-shoot – imo.


    Keep going though!



    I really enjoy your pieces. And you are most definitely not a fauxtographer. Keep it up!



    do you have specific images you are referring to? saying “the photos with flash” isnt very helpful since i used various forms of flash in most of my images.


    and thanks for your feedback so far, my goal once I am out of school is to be a fashion photographer (I know, I’ve got my work cut out for me) but, sometimes I feel that my work is total crap and I will never make it, on other days I think i’m doing quite well for myself.

    no one special

    The photos with flash he is referencing are the ones with a hard (solid outline) shadow behind the person and the background is lit equally with your subject.


    Those are the Evil Queen shots (completely unedited as of yet), they are  my least favorite images so far. security, at the location I was in, told me (after I had already called and confirmed my setup was ok) that I couldn’t use any special lighting setups so all I had to work with was my speedlight and a small reflector. Hopefully ill be able to adjust the dimensions in post.

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