I’m a professional freelance retoucher who’s affordable and fast! My main clientele are beginners in the field, people who strive to provide good work but just aren’t there yet. Instead of providing your clients with poor images, you can provide them with quality! I offer a wide variety of services for any budget, contact me today! Semblanceretouching@gmail.com
I think fauxs will love your services, and good luck to you.
Here’s a cautionary tale that may interest you. I only share it because you composite and you need to be diligent/thourgh and dot your I s and cross your Ts. I didn’t go through all of your work to make sure it was legit. I’ll leave that up to you and/or others if they feel up to it
Ahhh, the notorious photo theft. I am very much aware of the licensing and copyright procedures involved in my work. 99% of the time I use free stock and on rare occasions I will purchase from shutterstock and other sites, it really all depends on whats available. Yes, fauxtogs love the generic overlays and such which is great for me cause they’re easy money. Thanks for the replies guys! 🙂
I think you’ve created a new category of poorly-skilled post-processing work… the don’t-toucher, perhaps? I think you should pay a visit to the site “You are not a graphic designer.”