There is a pretty awful fauxtographer who is based less than a mile away from me. He set up his “business” around a year ago, with a name only TWO LETTERS different from my business name. This p****d me off quite a bit.
I noticed on the faux’s facebook page a cover photo almost identical to the image on mine. ( same place, same angle EXACTLY) the only difference being, that theirs was all over the place, off white balance, crooked horizon etc etc. This p****d me off even more.
It would appear that with the very simillar name, and copied cover photo, people were thinking at first glance that it was my page. The faux has since taken portraits for past clients of mine, aswell as getting involved with a charity that I work with from time to time.
Now, do I call them up on this, or not? I am really angry, as I in no way want people to think that their photographs have ANYTHING to do with me…………………………..
I would submit them to this site, but they’re already on here lol
Advice would be appreciated 🙂