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    Hello everyone! I am curious as to what everyone thinks about my work. I don’t consider myself a professional nor do I charge, I do shoots for my friends though. Some of my images may not be the best quality because I did have to pull some from Facebook. Some of my older images do have some issues like they are to over-sharpened. But I want to see what you think over-all.



    Well I think they are really good….but I’m no expert 🙂


    Thank you! Anyone else have any thoughts?


    The first few might be better with more depth of field.  I really like #20!  In #21 they are a bit over exposed.  In #22 the hair stands out but the face is pretty flat.  Skipping along to #32, I’m not fond of the low contrast over exposed look but it works pretty well for your subject.   #37 has good saturation but is possibly a little soft around the eyes, a little more depth of field might have helped.  The near eye should be really sharp.  The dog in #38 is great!  Most of the rest don’t speak to me as much.

    I think you are doing well.  Keep shooting.


    I like your images. One thing though (and I have this same issue with my own work) you have to whittle it down to just the very best for your portfolio. The hardest part is to let go of your favorite that lends to consistency of your work. As of now, your portfolio has baby photos, it has lingerie, tattoo’d rockers, etc…

    If you eventually intend on doing it professionally, the only suggestion I would make is to separate them into different categories on your site.

    Looks great though.



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