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    Here’s a few I like as pictures. There’s a lot on y flickr i’m not keen on, i’m doing p365 and it’s proving difficult to fit it around work, not to mention moving house with my pregnant girlfriend 🙂


    Fear of the dentist table!

    Deaths been to H&M - #75

    Hands, i like them.

    Harassing drama school teachers.. - #184

    Spider 2

    Misty OWL

    Feeding t'ducks


    Worst Case Scenario

    The eye kind of creeps me out and the girl  feeding ducks looks like a beautifully processed snap shot but the rest are great. Really love the shot of the hoody. Not sure why! It’s simple but I keep looking at it. Great B/W, I wish I could get all my tones like these.


    Thanks Worst case scenario! The feeding ducks pic is a snapshot really, I was on a day out with my girlfriend (who is in the shot), feel a bit guilty spending too long weighing up a shot! I guess i like it because it’s personal to me. It’s a bit of a post processing special, you’re right!  (i’d left my camera on a custom white balance and the original look awful, school boy error!).

    Thanks for your comments, appreciated. I have a few of those hoody shots. I’ve got a jet black face covering hood that is perfect for such things. The eye is definitely creepy! The clipping from the flash winds me up but i like the detail. You’d probably not want it in your wall though!




    I like the hoodie shot, and I like the hand. My only critique is a small one…and probably a personal preference as well….in the hand shot you have just a little edge of the black sleeve the person was wearing. I would crop it out.

    Other than that I totally agree with what WCS said. I like your style!


    Thanks cass335, appreciated. You’re right about the sleeve on the hand (which is mine:). I’m re-hauling my website where I sell, or try to, prints so i’ll be sure to edit it out. Thanks, well spotted!

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