You’re Not Spiderman

spider man

Are you guys trying to escape your Fauxtog? Because you actually can just fire them!

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  1. Do the fauxtogs tell them what to wear? Because this is atrocious for any decade.

  2. Just guessing, but would this have been put on Facebook with a caption like “having a bit of fun on the photoshoot.” A shot that a photographer posts because they had a good time with their clients, but doesn’t realise that it reflects badly on them to showcase snapshots like this.

  3. I think this shot was supposed to be all in good fun. However, it does contain a lot of my favourite elements such as, clipping off limbs, not bad but poor lighting/colour, a bit of blur thrown in for good measure, and (even though it’s in fun and fake) domestic violence.
    Oh, the good old days when an engagement shoot involved hugging, laughing, smiles and well, love. “Fun” is great and showing your personality is primary but I suppose it’s my personal preference to not show domination. Those are photos for another place and time.

  4. Thomas

    Looks like just a fun silly shot to me.

  5. jussharp

    If a really good photographer took a fun silly shot then it would probably at least be in focus and much better than this. The watermark tells my spidey sense that this was meant to be included as a shot in the photo session, not a “behind the scenes” fun shot. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, a good photographer would not let such a poorly executed photo be posted online.

  6. I am guessing the “She drives me up the wall” was intended here..but not very well executed. I would have started by suggesting to her a more theatrical “nagging” pose rather than a fighting stance….and of course checked WB and focus and whatnot since that’s …I dunno…my job?

  7. Zebra Mussel

    Was this shot with the 1MP Hello Kitty toy camera…or maybe an old Nokia brick phone? I think those focus automatically, so that might be too much credit.

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