Vampire In The Sunshine

Quick, someone cover her with a blanket before she disintegrates!

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  1. WTH? What is even supposed be??

  2. Kristian

    Clean plates are totally overrated.

  3. jajajja!! she has ben killed!! and it´s the exact moment when she`s falling to the floor jajaja!!

  4. With the awesome possibility of a setting like this… And this is what they produced? I’m a little saddened by this… And very confused! No clue what they were even going for!

    • I was thinking just that…how nicely the colours available would have been if somebody only knew how to compose them.

  5. Kristian

    If there’s one thing I can say about fauxtographers, they always seem to have really fancy watermarks.

  6. I think the fauxtog was trying to recreate “Jill” falling down the hill. That’s the only thing I can think he/she might be TRYING to achieve.

  7. God help our profession. I have been in business since 1988 and I am telling you I just cringe at some of the stuff I see out there. The amazing thing people buy it…

  8. I’m confused.

  9. Junior

    Was she hit by a water balloon filled with grape juice? I have no idea what is happening here.

  10. It’s just like Capa’s Death Of A Loyalist Soldier…only it’s in color, crap and makes no sense.

  11. What the frack?? This looks like a really bad outtake….of what, I have no idea!

  12. Pretty sure those “yellow flowers” are pretty fucking fake. So, no “OMG they spoiled a great setting”. If they really are daffodils, there’s no goddamn depth between the front and the back, they’re all the same hue. It never fucking existed.

  13. amazed

    It is fairy dust of course.

  14. Bridie

    Fake flowers ? Come on its just a shit photo in a real place …. Thems real flowers , and a real fuck up of a photo – I’d love to ask them for a back story to this though – not a clue what it’s about

  15. Jill was killed by Photoshop as Jack pushed her down the hill.

  16. MoaningMita

    It looks like she is being attacked by purple pixels.

  17. well…she/he discovered the “scatter” button.

  18. I know the woman who made this image. It was done as an experiment to see if assholes would steal it, post it, and criticize it.

    • visarts

      Well it worked.

    • You seem to know all these fauxtographers who post this type of bait. That’s a lot of effort to prove people can be jerks on the internet. Especially as this is already a known factor.

    • Crab Cakes

      You said this same exact thing about another photo on here lol.

  19. I can tell you that they duplicated the girl, lowered the opacity, changed the layer style to dissolve and warped it a bit. I can tell you that the flowers are either fake, or they washed out the flowers that were there wiping out any depth or contrast probably trying to make it look magic… or something.

    I cannot tell you why. Maybe it was supposed to be sparkles? Or Magic? I get paid to fix stupid stuff like this! LOL Fauxtographers keep photoshop people like me in business.

    • mrrabbit2502

      How in the world would you fix this? And make money doing it. I’m missing the key to success apparently.

      • You don’t. 🙂 Reshoot, and get another concept going. A good one.

  20. Karink23

    It’s like a terribly frightening update of Wyeth’s “Christina’s World”.

  21. greeneggs&ham

    Attack of the white flies!

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