Vampire Clown

vampire clown

Anyone still think vampires are sexy?

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  1. At least the background is in focus…

  2. I’m confused.

  3. Fauxtog Hunter

    Good to know fauxtography is not limited to just southern USA. She is from France but I am sure fits the same profile. Early twenties female, PWT, never read a book or watched a video about creating actual images, Canon Rebel with kits lens, full auto. Marina Rigoux Glamstudio.

  4. cameraclicker

    The background is in focus, but the paste job is terrible.

    • It’s not just the paste job, it’s the picture in the first place. She has the original on her facebook. The original is a blurry mess. Not sure why she chose that one over another that was actually in focus.

      Her business is a complete and utter trainwreck of the nth degree. I don’t think I saw a single good image on the entire page.

      • cameraclicker

        I think later on I saw the background was someone else’s stock. Her subject has motion blur due to camera movement. But, I think the blur of her subject could have worked well for what she did if her paste job was better. Adding a torch, candle or dagger to explain the hand gesture might have helped as well.

  5. He looks like a sad clown instead of a vampire.

  6. Kristina

    Fauxtog Hunter, no matter if someone’s work sucks or not, it’s not appropriate to put their name in a public forum. Why don’t you use your real full name?

    • Why not? They already are in a public forum. They’ve set themselves up a business. If they don’t want to be in a public forum they probably shouldn’t
      1-be on facebook
      2-be running a business open to the public
      3- stop providing such ridiculously pathetic service.

      At least he’s allowed us to verify that this one is in fact a genuine “fauxtog” unlike many of the questionable images this joke of an admin has posted that no one had anyway to verify if something was a snapshot or something being passed off as professional work.

    • kurtles78

      I agree. There’s a reason their names are marked out on the photos. Besides we’re here to criticize technique, not bash people on a personal level. We don’t need to know who they are.

    • Fauxtog Hunter

      Because she charges money. No different than you placing a review on Yelp or other review site.

  7. Je viens de voir aujourd’hui que l’une des photos à été volée sur mon compte Facebook ,de quel droit vous permettez vous de vous servir?;par rapport à cette photo il s’agit d’une séance réserve sur le thème halloween que j’ai fait pour ma fille et ses amis GRATUITEMENT, de plus avant de critiquer et fouiner on se renseigne ,mon entreprise est légal j’ai un numéro d’immatriculation ,de plus je suis continuellement entrain d’apprendre mon métier ,mais une petite question à vos début vous faisiez quel genre de photo? aujourd’hui ce n’est pas moi qui suit pathetique mais bien la plupart d’entre vous heureusement que certain sur ces commentaires sont un peu plus intelligent et qui regarde un peu plus loin que leur nombril merci de retirer la photo avant que je fasse des démarches par moi même ,et pour les super photographe inutile de vous rappelez les loi concernant les droits dauteur.

  8. • Nul besoin de formalités particulières pour que vos œuvres soient protégées,
    • Un dépôt légal à L’INPI permet simplement de faciliter la preuve,
    • Sanctions pénales pour la violation des droits d’auteurs : 300 000 euros d’amende et de 3 ans d’emprisonnement (CPI, art. L. 335-2 s.) ainsi que des peines complémentaires peuvent être prononcées,

  9. Translation courtesy of Google Translate:

    just saw today that one of the photos was stolen on my Facebook account, what right you allow yourself to serve you? Relative to this picture there is a reserve sitting on halloween theme I made for my daughter and her friends for FREE to further criticize and poke it inquires, my business is legal I have a registration number, the more I am continually about to learn my trade, but a small question to your beginning you were kind of photo? today it is not me following pathetic but most of you fortunately some of these comments are a little smarter and look a little further than their navel thank you to remove the photo before I do steps by myself, and for the great photographer useless remember the law on copyrights.

    • No need for special formalities that your works are protected,
    • A legal deposit at INPI just facilitates proof
    • Criminal penalties for violation of copyrights: 300 000 fine and 3 years imprisonment (CPI, art L.335-2 s..) As well as additional penalties can be imposed, of Google Translate:

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