The Magic Balloon

That silver balloon is magical! If you gaze into it you can actually see the future… Of when those balloons pop and he falls back to the ground!

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    Love how the silver balloon has the reflection of him laying in the grass…

  2. ha ha best case of not checking out your surroundings i ever saw

  3. zedkin

    Best chroma screen ever 😛 never think of using grass as a chroma key sustitute 😛

  4. On what planet was this taken? Sun’s in front and back of him.


    zedkin: that’s kind of scary that you seem excited about grass as a green-screen substitute.. O_o

  6. Michael

    Nothing like using a low-res jpeg for your background. And is that the fauxtog in the silver balloon or CSI?

  7. HennyM

    We all float down here…

  8. It’s a cute idea – just not well executed.

    • It’s not even remotely a cute idea…

      • Certainly not the sort of thing that belongs in a portfolio..and not the sort of thing most photographers would charge a client for…but I imagine a child would love such a picture…at least until they grow older. Even though, this was badly done for a flying-kid picture.

  9. The balloons seem to be taking this kid somewhere he obviously doesn’t want to go.


    Susan: I don’t think it’s feasibly possible to execute this photo, “well”.

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