Supposed To Be A Bump There?

Thanks to some serious editing, it’s difficult to even tell if this lady is pregnant… Well done?

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  1. artie fufkin

    this must be what they mean when they say a pregnant woman has that glow

  2. Kimberly

    YES! Submitted this months ago and I’m so happy to see it in all its horrible glory on here!

  3. stacy george

    I need sunglasses to look at that photo!!

  4. It hurts my eyes.

  5. Pregnant or not pregnant? I’m asking the question: human or not human? That poor woman’s face is half gone.

  6. Darned watermark. I was going to steal it for my site.

  7. southernmomma

    @Kimberly..the stupid low life that posted it. NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION OF THIS PICTURE! OR ANYONE ELSES. I love how all of you people have nothing better to do then criticize people.

    • HennyM


    • photocriticgirl

      Okay, let’s get one thing straight. When you post something, whether it is on facebook, twitter, tumblr, on here, anything, you are opening yourself up to be critized! That’s how life works, sweetheart! If you can’t take the criticism, stop attempting to be a fauxtographer.

      • photocriticgirl: I agree with you on criticism, but there’s criticism and then there’s brutal comments. Personally, I almost cracked a rib laughing at the peanut gallery. Some really funny stuff.

  8. photocriticgirl

    I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!

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