Such Pretty Eyes…

Making your subject look like their eyes are drawn on with magic marker is always a nice touch!

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  1. Oh dear god, what have they done

  2. RottenFlower

    what is this I don’t even…

  3. Damn. Just damn.

  4. OMG – this is like one of those horrific psycho killers who reclaim donated organs from innocents and then put them back into their dead loved one after having donated the same organs!!!! anyone watch “Fringe”?… too much? spooky as heck regardless.

  5. Just wrong… so wrong…

  6. A photographer

    People in video games look more human than this woman.

  7. OMG, that is scary!

  8. This HAS to be a joke. Seriously. I have seen some awful fauxtography on this site, but there is absolutely no way anyone could look at this – not just the eyes, the whole thing – and be satisfied that this is a good portrait. Wow.

    • I do note that this does not have a watermark or anything to suggest it is a fauxtog, rather than just your average snapper.

  9. Perhaps the subject has recently entered the witness relocation program and the photographer manipulated the photo enough so that the person couldn’t be identified. That’s about the only explanation I can come up with.

  10. Bad photoshop job – eye’s, lips, skin, etc… colors are off.. skin looks plastic. Yuck… By the way the only place google image search finds this image is here…Hmmm….

  11. I feel like most photos by fauxtogs look like this (the orange over-softened skin, weird slightly out of focus look to the image, over saturated everything)- is it some sort of craptastic photoshop action or something? I say that like they would own and know how to use photoshop lol…

  12. ahh! my eyes!! …….oh wait… pun intended….

  13. Hanimex Omelette

    She painted her eyelids so nobody can tell she’s asleep.

    • Haha! My friends and I did that in high school (or middle?) just to be silly. And it DID look kind of like this!

  14. It’s the “Toddlers and Tiaras” effect. Hideous no matter how you view it

  15. Artie Fufkin

    It’s like a creepy Halloween mask

  16. Such pretty eyes, indeed. So pretty, that the fauxtog cut them out and pasted them onto this photo.

  17. It’s just a goa’uld.

  18. OMG I had this “photoshop effect” done to me once. A friend wanted to “fix up” some bad snapshots since he was a great photographer starting his own buisness and when he emailed them to me my lips and eyes had been drawn in with magic marker

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