I’ve done this shot. And it worked. It was fabulous, actually. But both parties were completely discernible and not wearing any kind of weird cape looking thing. Great idea, lousy execution.
Nevermind the excitement of one subject – I didn’t even notice that. What could the other person possibly be wearing to cause that kind of shadow? Seriously. What kind of clothing is shaped that way?
It’s a long shadow, so possibly the shadow on the left is wearing a outer upper garment like a jacket or shawl that is unfastened in front to billow and create that kind of shadow. I think he/she might also have on some kind of hat or possibly a hood to get that strange look behind the head around the neck area. The person on the right looks to have long hair, and has his/her right arm on the person on the left’s shoulder and the left arm (perhaps) holding the other person’s hand.
……but it damn sure looks like two dudes exchanging h-jobs to me too. The shadow photo just reinforces the notion that the actual act is too lurid to photograph.
Rachel Greiser
hey look it’s the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
joshua barnett
Faith Simbeck
haha…omg! it looks like someone is wearing a Ghillie Suit!
Before I even read the caption, I was thinking the same thing! And it’s looks like they are BIG time happy!
AHHHHH! Looks like a scene from a slasher film. The creature is waiting just around the corner, isn’t he?
k.. the upper shadow between both looks like an arm but… what is the lower one? D: is it maybe he being “very happy” to see her? Ô___o
Is the person on the left wearing a Darth Vader helmet?!?!
Steven Webb
Darth: “Luke, is that a pencil in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
I’ve done this shot. And it worked. It was fabulous, actually. But both parties were completely discernible and not wearing any kind of weird cape looking thing. Great idea, lousy execution.
Nevermind the excitement of one subject – I didn’t even notice that. What could the other person possibly be wearing to cause that kind of shadow? Seriously. What kind of clothing is shaped that way?
LOL maybe it really IS what we’re saying it looks like!
It’s a long shadow, so possibly the shadow on the left is wearing a outer upper garment like a jacket or shawl that is unfastened in front to billow and create that kind of shadow. I think he/she might also have on some kind of hat or possibly a hood to get that strange look behind the head around the neck area. The person on the right looks to have long hair, and has his/her right arm on the person on the left’s shoulder and the left arm (perhaps) holding the other person’s hand.
……but it damn sure looks like two dudes exchanging h-jobs to me too. The shadow photo just reinforces the notion that the actual act is too lurid to photograph.
Batman and the Joker. All I see now.
just 2 hands morons!