Hahah! As nuts at this photo is, I can’t bring myself to critique the Photoshop skills. Pretty decent job in that department considering the tripe that appears here!
Obviously a Photoshop job. But, it looks reasonably well done. Not sure if the concept is seagull steals baby or baby grew wings to fly with the gulls. Either way, it’s different.
As the others have said, it’s pretty good compared to the usual fare, here.
…or… and I’m just putting this out there.. you could have educated us in the differences between the two birds (they ARE birds, right? did we get THAT right?) and not come off as the asshole yourself. Why do we go directly to the name calling? Just sayin’.
Hahah! As nuts at this photo is, I can’t bring myself to critique the Photoshop skills. Pretty decent job in that department considering the tripe that appears here!
Fly, little gull!
I kinda love it! Obviously supposed to be ridiculous!
Am I the only person who really dislikes seeing nappies? Especially disposable jobs. That really spoils the picture. Which is already pretty weird.
This is definitely not the worst I’ve seen. Weird concept, but it looks like it is an ad to me.
Zoe Cauvel
Yeah, an add for diapers that don’t lead to disappointing blow-out maybe.
Yeah, but it’s still a load of crap that no diaper would be able to contain.
Obviously a Photoshop job. But, it looks reasonably well done. Not sure if the concept is seagull steals baby or baby grew wings to fly with the gulls. Either way, it’s different.
As the others have said, it’s pretty good compared to the usual fare, here.
Zoe Cauvel
Burnin Biomass
I don’t want that thing crapping on my car…
The baby is flying the wrong way! Turn around little one!!
..that’s a tern for the worst.
(and, until ‘cameraclicker’ said “Obviously a Photoshop job” I had no idea.)
hurr hurr hurr
I hate Fauxtography
LOL I’m so glad I clicked to read the comments
The only thing ‘really’ wrong with this is that they didn’t get the light direction correct on the baby : Other than that, it’s not TOO bad
Assholes. There is no such thing as a “seagull”. They are gulls, and of many different species and genus.
Just because no one in your little world calls them seagulls doesn’t mean there is no such thing. A rose by any other name … And, all that.
…or… and I’m just putting this out there.. you could have educated us in the differences between the two birds (they ARE birds, right? did we get THAT right?) and not come off as the asshole yourself. Why do we go directly to the name calling? Just sayin’.
Christine K
“A bird that lives by the sea?”
George Johnson
At least the baby is smiling I suppose, not terrified like they are in most shots!
I think I have that seagull overlay, I want to do my dog into one of these.