We realize it’s not overly offensive, edited to a ridiculous degree or of something crazy, but it’s still just so bad. The underarm shadows, stained carpet, horrible facial expression and pose… Definitely fauxtography!
Horizonal stripes were a bad choice. Also the pose is the opposite of what it should be. Leaning back makes the lower body look larger which might be an issue with this subject.
Awkward posing, flat lighting, and thats just two ways this could be improved. I can think of at least a dozen creative things you could do with an umbrella.
This is just ugly. I wonder is some of the stuff that gets posted here is because they know the customer will be insulted if they don’t put something from a shoot up so they look at everything, it’s all horrible and just grab the first one they ‘finish’?
Looks like she had her period on the carpet. Poor girl.
How are you exposing this shit by covering their names? \
They should be hunted down and burnt in the streets for their sins
Protection from Libel suits?
even Walmart wouldn’t use tihs in their flyers…
and by tihs i meant this, of course
Because.. When the sun shines we’ll shine together, told you I’ll be here forever…
She looks like a poster child for domestic abuse.
A photographer
Horizonal stripes were a bad choice. Also the pose is the opposite of what it should be. Leaning back makes the lower body look larger which might be an issue with this subject.
Steven G Webb
Next time the photographer should try leaving the lens cap on.
Hanimex Omelette
“Get it right, Buster, Or I’m going to take this umbrella and poke your eyes out!”
That pose, that umbrela… That elbow.. It’s just so bad…
It looks like the umbrella pierces the head, that frightens me!
Awkward posing, flat lighting, and thats just two ways this could be improved. I can think of at least a dozen creative things you could do with an umbrella.
The underarm shadows almost look like a bad job of spot removing underarm hair….shoulda left it in….it would have added something to this picture.
She looks like she’s flipping the bird to someone to her left.
Whoever convinced her to use this fauxtog
Perfect example of why gear (while important) does not trump experience and education.
I can’t get past the stained carpet…ick
Me either. Nothing went right in this photo but that carpet makes me want to gag.
Mrs Woo
This is just ugly. I wonder is some of the stuff that gets posted here is because they know the customer will be insulted if they don’t put something from a shoot up so they look at everything, it’s all horrible and just grab the first one they ‘finish’?
I can never get past these f***ing shadows! I can’t describe how much I hate that!
Not to mention, that was a really unfortunate scroll down. “Turn your knees to the side.” See – it’s not that difficult.
I Literally wiped my screen thinking it was dirty as hell before realising it was the Tog’s lens….Is it THAT hard to clean your gear?
artie fufkin
this is the mark of a true amateur. I mean, there is NO SELECTIVE COLORING?