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  • in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7724

    I don’t get what this Kiddie Kandids thing is supposed to be that ktm photos worked for?

    I mean, they’ll have a few really good studio shots then the rest is crap, repeat the pattern.  They were in Babies R Us!?

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7658

    I don’t get it…  I mean, looking at part of that it’s like she did fine with some cloning but the rest is that scale-looking stuff.  Why, oh, why!?

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7631

    here you go:

    They say, “Until I make enough money to get the equipment I will be taking the pics with a digital camera. Editing them and then u can tell me how many of what size u want and I can go to Walmart or wherever n print them all off for u.”

    And he’s doing this by charging $30 per family session.

    There’s really too many to point out, but let’s start with this one

    Really, need I say more?

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7626

    hahahahaha now that’s what I call marketing!

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7532

    That baby pic is creepy, by the way…

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7531

    I like flare, as long as it’s used sparingly and done nicely, but I don’t see any flare in your picture, only really bright sunlight on one side giving the girl a somewhat washed-out look.

    And as a side note, not to be picky but you should take the apostrophe out of “Photos” in “Adriane’s Photo’s.”  Only use an apostrophe to form a contraction or denote possessiveness and in your name, the photos don’t own anything, they are just plural: “Photos.”  fyi  🙂

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7476

    Wow I thought that dead horse had been beaten as much as it could be already.  We get it already.  Mooooooove on.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7441
    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7370

    Sorry, I meant the availability of the  service being the favor, not that he doesn’t charge.

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7367

    I agree with the Christian marketing theme. When you mix religion into business, it can and does often turn away potential clients. Nothing wrong with posting photos of a family with cross necklaces, or photos taken in a church, or anything like that. On her page it overpowers the actual theme of her business. There’s a photographer near me, who’s actually quite good, but he ONLY does portraits for people he goes to church with. I think it only hurts marketing.

    It just depends.   Sometimes that GETS you business.  Depends in the way it’s handled.  But maybe that’s all that guy has time for or maybe he just does it for them basically as a favor, doesn’t want a business.  It only hurts his marketing if he’s saying, “Come use me! Oh wait, need to join my church first.”

    in reply to: Fauxtog Horror Stories #7336

    No kidding!

    ugh I HATE removing shadows.

    Shoot it right the first time and there will be less editing!

    in reply to: Fauxtog spottings in the wild! #7293

    The pop-up flash, especially without any kind of diffuser, is always a dead give-away.

    I was shooting a family on an old bridge that’s closed to autos and I noticed a fauxtog behind me.  We were JUST getting started though, so I made sure I took my time… we were there first.  While we weren’t there for a VERY long time, I guess they got tired of waiting.  I had my group of 6 stretched across the bridge right in the middle and they set up at the base behind me.  She put her subjects with their backs to my subjects and got down and started shooting.  No doubt she got me and all my people in her shots, and not just that, but all our gear… my big camera bag, partner’s big camera bag, bags with blankets for sitting on when needed and what not, and all the subjects’ crap as they all had extra shirts they might want, etc.

    Did I mention that these people were both wearing mesh shirts, the woman had these weird legging things on, and had these very ugly dogs with them…

    in reply to: Fauxtog Horror Stories #7292

    Oh!  But wait -there’s more —

    Several years ago, my friend was getting married and I was not yet in a position to shoot her wedding.  She ended up with the father of one of her bridesmaids who had an established business.  We have no idea how he gets that business.  He kept looking at me with my entry level dSLR and looking VERY nervous and uncomfortable.  Of course, my pictures were largely crap.  I had JUST gotten the camera and was still learning it.  So anyway, his came back and I probably had more good ones than he did.  Not to mention, he’s already giving them a “deal” but totally ripped them off.  Told her to pick out however many pics she wanted for the book but then failed to mention that after x there would be overages and tried to bill her another $500.  She said forget that, just give me one 4×6 of everything.  So he did… and they looked like he’d printed them out at home, very poor quality and paper and ink.  Her mother ordered an 8×10, the price was outrageous and what he sent her was the picture on copy paper.  The disc he sent her that was supposed to have low-res images on it… it was just a link to his freaking website.  And to get a digital copy of those images you had to do a screen capture as each one was actually in 4-6 pieces so there was no right-clicking and doing save as to get what she’d originally been promised.  At the reception, he had way too many pics of his daughter including her dancing with her boyfriend’s hands on her butt.

    My friend would have sued his ass off but for his daughter being her friend.  I think she wishes now that she had, since they’re not friends anymore, anyway, for other reasons.

    in reply to: Fauxtog Horror Stories #7291

    My cousin hired what turned out to be a fauxtographer.  I live out of state, but I wish she’d talked to me first.  This woman did okay…ish outside though she has little idea what composition is and doesn’t seem to know how to make any kind of lighting work for her, but inside the church, EVERY picture was blurry.  After a lot of run-around, my cousin was able to get a high-res disc (that didn’t work properly the first time, either) and I tried to clean up her favorite images as best I could.  This woman was using a very expensive Canon and a picture of our grandmother… ISO 400, shutter 1/13, f-stop 4, focal length 84mm…. OMG….  Horrible.
    Then I saw her website… one loooooooooooooooong page with everyone’s proofs right there and every so often an email address and “contact me for prints, all images copyrighted.”  Well, no wonder…

    in reply to: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… #7290

    omg are we still going on about this?  WHO CARES?

    It doesn’t matter, MOVE ALONG.

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