Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBTW, did you notic that the new “Wisconsin Public Safety” page claims it is a non-profit organistion? Wow, that could cause some problems. NPO is defined by Wisc Stat 108.02(19) as “an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the internal revenue code which is exempt from federal income tax under s. 501 (a) of the internal revenue code.” IRS 501 (c)(3) states
“To be organized exclusively for a charitable purpose, the organization must be a corporation (or unincorporated association), community chest, fund, or foundation. A charitable trust is a fund or foundation and will qualify. However, an individual will not qualify. The organizing documents must limit the organization’s purposes to exempt purposes in section 501(c)(3) and must not expressly empower it to engage, other than as an insubstantial part of its activities, in activities that are not in furtherance of one or more of those purposes. This requirement may be met if the purposes stated in the organizing documents are limited by reference to section 501(c)(3).
In addition, an organization’s assets must be permanently dedicated to an exempt purpose. This means that if an organization dissolves, its assets must be distributed for an exempt purpose, to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. To establish that an organization’s assets will be permanently dedicated to an exempt purpose, its organizing documents should contain a provision ensuring their distribution for an exempt purpose in the event of dissolution. If a specific organization is designated to receive the organization’s assets upon dissolution, the organizing document must state that the named organization must be a section 501(c)(3) organization when the assets are distributed. Although reliance may in some cases be placed upon state law to establish permanent dedication of assets for exempt purposes, an organization’s application can be processed by the IRS more rapidly if its organizing documents include a provision ensuring permanent dedication of assets for exempt purposes. For examples of provisions that meet these requirements, see Charity – Required Provisions for Organizing Documents.”
I bet he has NO idea the can of worms he’s opened . . . . . (BTW – a check of the Wisc Non Profit Database give a 0 return for “Wisconsin Public Safety” or for “Incident Response”)
ParticipantBut notice that the badge is not the same one as in the original photo. It does not say “Public Safety”, not does it have legal. medical. etc blasons in the center. . . . . hmmmmmmm . . . . . did he get the message?
ParticipantSurprisingly, he has neither deleted my comment, nor blocked me . . . . .
As for the dinner – I have never been known as one to be speechless, but that did it. What a load!
ParticipantHave you seen his new “badge”?
Seems misleading to me. Maybe the county attorney should go after him under Wisc. Stat 946.70.
ParticipantYeah, that would be me (re: Shelby’s TP photo). My post has been deleted on the FB page, guess she didn’t like being told the photo had some problems (like focus, lighting, composition . . . .)
“Shelby Mullens
Stay off my shit you low life nasty deformed infected hoe. Since you would like to be that way I can be a bitch as well!”
listen here u bitch if u got shit to talk about my niece’s pictures don’t look at them u son of a bitch stay off here page!
Apparently, they think I am some local female who is just trying to harass them . . . . Paranoid, too.