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  • Erika216

    The third photo in on your cover photo is not your best work.  I only poked for a second, but I was surprised to see that up there considering how many waaaay nicer shots stuck out to me.


    in reply to: Waiting for the bottom to fall out. #14927

    I’ll definitely pull the track shots.. I thought it might be illegal, but one of the last time I used them I was actually there with a police officer!  Aaaand a guy that works for the railroad!  How ironic is that?!  😛

    Also, while we’re talking about pulling stuff- should I pull old albums that I look back on and cringe?  I mean, obviously I have a TON of work to do, but even I can see some improvement.

    Last night I ordered a monopod to help reduce camera shake and watched like a million tutorials on better focus.  I was always letting the camera just do it’s thing. I had my seven year old let me snap a few shots last night and just a few simple adjustments and I saw a HUGE improvement.

    Also, I don’t intend to stop shooting, just stop scheduling and start hitting up friends to use as guinea pigs.  I don’t understand why people like me get sooo much business.  I get it, my prices are dirt cheap, but why pay anything for subpar work?

    Also, I shoot with a T5i and use my 50mm 1.4 most of the time.  I have a reflector and a speedlight (cheap offbrand with a cheap softbox) that I use to fill occasionally.  I spent a lot of time trying to understand ISO over the last couple days as well.  But I feel like when I practice I can’t tell if I’m doing well until I sit down and upload the images on a computer.  I plan on taking lots of time to figure out metering and maybe that will give me a little more insight!

    While I was editing some shots yesterday I played more with saturation and I can see a little color improvement- but I think the first step is getting the focus in order.  I see that first when I look at my own work…  slowly but surely I think I can figure this all out!

    Please if you have more advice or places that I could find some beginner info (there is sooooo much out there and it all contradicts each other!) tell me where I can get my hands on it 🙂

    in reply to: Waiting for the bottom to fall out. #14876

    Thank you all!   I happen to work another job so my cheap prices are because I already knew I was still faux material, but as you can see there’s still a demand. 🙂  I watched youtube tutorials to figure out how to shoot in AV and some other very basic things.  The whole thing took off so fast I guess I lost focus (no pun intended) and forgot to keep learning.  My youngest daughter has a seizure disorder, so between my part time job and this gig I’m pulling enough cash to be home with her more.  I reallllllllly don’t want to be a faux, and want to capture the images I can compose in my head but the supply and demand escaped me really fast because the other local “photographers” are waaaaaaaaaaaay worse than me (hard to believe, eh?).  I’m going to pull in the reins and stop scheduling for awhile and learn a lot more about the issues you all mentioned.  Thanks so much.  In a year from now I plan to resubmit and hopefully shake the faux label 🙂


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