Forum Replies Created
ParticipantGet your manual out and learn about setting and customizing white balance. Learn and master selecting your focus. It looks to me like you are letting the cameras AF select where to focus, instead of selecting your focal point/points. This takes some practice. Don’t use clients. Get that focus nailed before any clients get in the mix (along with exposure, and color and a good grasp of how DOF works). Learn how to read histograms. Then study lighting. Work with still life first and work your way up to moving subjects. Learn how to push that iso up to acceptable levels in low light, and how to compensate without losing quaility. Once you get a good handle on these basics, then move on to posing. And never stop learning lighting and posing. Don’t take your book’s advice and go ahead and get on the Internet and study posing, and put what you learn into practice. When it’s time to market and sell again, Please do so honestly.
I’ll be spending the day doing exactly this. I knew where you were going with it. I understand thank you.
Participant1000.00 *
ParticipantI need to stay under 1000.00’s if I do the printing myself, is it possible to find one in that price range?
ParticipantWell, the color matters because when the client takes the disc in I want to make sure they’re compatible right? I’ve had an issue with clients trying to take these discs to a Kodak instant print machine. The machines want to auto correct the picture.. in turn messing it up completely. I’ve had to refer my clients to Staples for printing only, so this has put a serious damper on my pictures being flexible color wise.
I know that it appears that most would use them as Facebook profile pictures, but I’ve never had any client suggest that’s the case. Either way though, I really would like my pictures to be completely universal. Going to look into the printing issue soon and hopefully get a great solution to that problem. . once Uncle Sam gets his chunk of change this quarter.
ParticipantIHF, you are all of a sudden a wealth of knowledge and I am very please to hear your advice.
This all does make me wonder though… How long have you gone without printing or making finished products for your clients?
I send all of the pictures on disc, I don’t do prints.. I simply cannot afford the printing equipment to be honest with you. I also thought it would be less overhead too and would allow me to charge less than other photographers.
The areas I circled are obviously brighter on my Windows systems. I can’t imagine it is a profile problem, or even a hardware problem. The background plants have a lot of white in them, it is obviously brighter than the rest of the background! I don’t think the profile would affect the image to the point where white would turn green, or even where brightly lit skin would appear the same as shaded skin.
I have a tendency to flip flop from LR5 and PS, unless I need to get invasive I normally stick with LR as it doesn’t seem to take as long as it would in PS.
ParticipantRight now my gamma is set to 2.2, not sure if I need to use the native gamma or not, looks awful
ParticipantI’m not sure, but my color profile is set to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and color space of RGB. Will check into gamma, good suggestion for sure thank you
ParticipantCC in that picture it’s not showing bright spots, no joke.. lol
ParticipantCC, thank you
ParticipantThat’s a picture of me and I’ll pass that along to the photographer who did the shoot.
ParticipantCC thank you. IHF, you have troll-like tendencies and it’s difficult to decipher on what you mean. My apologies for reacting the way I did. There’s no misrepresentation going on or dishonesty, I just wanted to know what people thought of a few pictures, now here I am. lol
ParticipantIHF, any reason why you’re doing a scan on me? What are you trying to prove by doing so?
ParticipantThe first things your eyes are drawn to are text and bright spots. I don’t see any text but the bright spots are her empty hand and the plants behind her.
I don’t see any bright spots at all, weird.