Home › Forums › Am I a Fauxtog? › Will someone please go tell this woman she is a fauxtog?
- This topic has 84 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by
November 28, 2012 at 7:34 pm #4919
ParticipantYou Guys call your Self Pros,….But your all siting an a computer complaining about others who are learning from the bottom up the same as everyone else did. We call learn Differently, some of us hit bottom before we realize it. But for you to Sit and bitch and complaine about others and there work Makes me sick and you call yourselves Pro I don’t think so. Further more if they aren’t even in the same country as you why does it matter who does and doesn’t like there work, pretty said you dont like to see people happy.
Anna, the point is that you shouldn’t be learning from the ground up on a paying clients dime. That road leads to lawsuits.
Do you think that a judge will be very lenient when you tell him the pictures you took weren’t great but, hey! you’re just starting? Couple that with using other photographers work in your advertising and you’ll find yourself in deep trouble.
On the same vein, you should have at least a basic grounding in the laws that surround your business. Not using OTHER PHOTOGRAPHERS WORK in advertising YOUR OWN SERVICES is a basic business concept and a violation that could result in you not only losing your business but losing your home as each violation of copyright can result in penalties of 150,000$ in the US. On top of that, using other people’s work is ethically wrong and could be construed as false advertising.
Your logic would be like me opening a garage and learning how to be a mechanic while repairing paying clients cars … it;s not how business works. Get a grounding in the basics of your industry before you start charging.
Or don’t listen to us and do like 95% of all photography “businesses” and crash in burn in a year or two.
November 28, 2012 at 7:36 pm #4920EvilDaystar
Participantok someone is changing their name because..messages arent adding up with replying back to someone lol
blueeyegirl- yes she was advertising sessions with that photographers images on the templates..someone must have said something because the image is gone plus the ads lol i won’t mention the name now that she dealt with the big issue
I tracked down the photographers and let them know. As a photographer myself, I have absolutely no patience or pity for thieves.
November 28, 2012 at 7:41 pm #4921fstopper89
ParticipantA million other photographers use actions, including lots of those who post on here.
I said somewhere I was going to try to watch the tilt more, didn’t remember brushing that off… though I don’t think I tilt nearly as much as many.
The illustration I was trying to get at with iso and a cloudy day was merely a bad wording of trying to ask someone what ISO is. I was basing it off of the correlation between lower light and bringing the ISO up higher (depending of course on aperture and shutter speed, which I should have mentioned to better prove my point) It’s pretty obvious that I know what ISO, shutter speed, and aperture are.
It’s extremely obvious Ashley is ignorant. She’s been shooting on auto since 2009 and making all the faux mistakes since then and just avoiding people who try to help her.
November 28, 2012 at 7:43 pm #4922MJWC1
ParticipantAnna – I had been sympathetic to your perspectives and to the idea that these bad fauxtogs are not harming the business of actual professional photographers.
Yes, we all have to start somewhere. The difference with, say, Ashley is that she has already been shooting for a few years but is still totally inept (there is no excuse for red eye, completely out of focus shots – including out of focus still objects – no understanding of cropping, dreadful and amateurish post processing, terrible lighting, awful facial expressions and so on) and is clearly not interested in learning or growing as a photographer.
On the other point, after commenting on Ashley’s FB page I received a message from someone who is a professional photographer in the same small town as Ashley. I imagine that a small town can only sustain a small number of professional photographers. The other woman does really good work and having someone like Ashley around sucks away at her business. It also likely reduces total business in the town as no-one looking at Ashley’s photos would ever think “that’s great – I might get a professional photographer to do some shots of my family too”. So, this is a definite example of where a fauxtog is actually harming a real tog.
November 28, 2012 at 8:00 pm #4923fstopper89
ParticipantI ended up finding the person who stole the advertising template via the original photog’s FB page. Some people had posted the info to Daly Moment’s page. I also did not see the ad, she must have taken it down by the time I saw her FB page. She has over 600 likes on her page but it’s all quite amateur. There are a few good ones here and there, but I’d definitely consider her a fauxtog.
MJWC1 explained it very well.
When searching again for Ashley’s business page I came across her personal page (which is viewable to me) and she posted “selling my camera because apparently I don’t know how to use it!” lots of comments questioning it and telling her everyone must be jealous because she does amazing work. I think all her friends are lamebrains if they sincerely believe that!
November 28, 2012 at 8:18 pm #4924soaringturkeys
ParticipantIts funny that you address Ashley using auto when you are using the Auto for Post Processing.
There is absolutely no difference between you using A pre-made action vs someone who is using Auto on the camera. The idea behind it is the same.
Sometimes people who think they’ve made it are the hardest to critique. It’s so easy for people to pick people who are obviously beneath them but once they think they’ve made it or have convinced themselves that they know all there is, having people critique them is near impossible.
Your go 2, I know more Photography than you, is to ask them lots of ridiculous wrong questions that don’t even make sense when answered.
ISO to cloudy day aside, you insisted that people should have a RAW conversation program and yet you fail to utilize yours to its potential.
You commented on someones photo asking if they used an instagram filter when you yourself use premade actions. Tell me, what is the difference between these premade post processing programs?
You commented on people not knowing how to shoot yet forget things like tilting when you are shooting and when asked about it, you will just brush it off as different tastes.
You asked whether having lens flare, that’s blatantly just a bad mistake, is good and when you didn’t get the response you wanted. you just simply didn’t respond.
I can handle that you want to choose to be unteachable in your own right. I can handle that you guys just want to post up horrible photos. But going around posting on other peoples work, rudely offering them advice and telling us that they are being stubborn?
Well now that’s just a tad bit ironic.
November 28, 2012 at 8:20 pm #4926EvilDaystar
ParticipantFor crying out loud … instead of learning from this she’s just giving up … while some of the criticism on here was harsh, there was still plenty of important information that she should have learnt from …
People getting into this business need to learn to take, accept and learn from criticism.
November 28, 2012 at 8:51 pm #4928fstopper89
ParticipantI certainly don’t think I know it all and never portrayed that, at all, in fact, I’ve stated that I’m always trying to learn new things. Honestly I think you have me mixed up with someone else because I was not the person who posted on a photo “did you use an instagram filter?” That comment was on a photo, but someone else posted it, not me. And yes, there’s a huge difference between using auto on the camera and an action as one of the last steps in post- I do a clean edit first on all my shots, and then if I feel it needs something more that an action or a few actions together may provide, I use them, in varying opacities and layers. I know there are some people out there who just run an action and call it good. No way have I ever done that. And actually I took the lens flare answers to heart, (did I not respond? my bad) I had posted the question in multiple places (FB, Flickr, and here) There have been times where I was trying to get a lens flare in the photo, like in some of the nature shots I posted and I’ve tried experimenting in portraits with it. That particular shot was an accident, and at first I thought it looked interesting, but the general consensus was that it detracted from the image and people liked the one where I edited it out. I probably should be using the lens hood more.
Like I said, I’m always open to learning new things. Photography is always changing as technology changes and in order to be successful you must be able to learn the new things as they come along. I’ve posted a link before to my work, but I’ll do it again. Of course I’m not perfect and after going over my photos several times I see more of what I could have done differently. I constantly look at other great work and get ideas and compare myself (usually beat myself up over how to get an image that good).
November 29, 2012 at 12:22 am #4935rosario
Participantlol, yeah I did. Rosario is closer to my real name. I wanted to be more personal lol.
November 29, 2012 at 12:57 am #4936creyes8519
ParticipantBrownEyedGirl… you use premade Photoshop actions, over tilt and thought that there was a correlation between a cloudy day and iso. When we addressed any of those issues you just brushed it off as it being your own style. How is Ashley’s stubbornness any worse?
soaringturkeys, I do hate when people beat up on certain photographers for minor flaws in their work, but the photographer that she is referring to Ashley….. her work is a travesty. I just picture in my mind one of her clients with an 11×14 collage on her wall of the jaundiced red-eyed baby with her mouth open, the jaundiced shot of the baby’s ear, and the poorly selected colored (like, half baby colored, half b&w) out-of-focus bundle of joy on her wall…. printed from Walgreens…. the thought of this makes me shudder. And she charges like $50 for her work… to me, that is $50 too much.
I am not a photographer at all, but as I’ve mentioned before I am a consumer. I hired a number of photographers before purchasing a shutter remote and becoming a DIY photographer after I left my job. I know what to look for in regards to a photographer’s ability to connect with the subject, and the overall quality of their work. Sure, there are critics on this site that are not great photographers themselves, but the whole point of this website is 1.) for entertainment, and I think 2.) a lesson for professional photographers on what NOT to do. Ashley’s Facebook is, hands down, the WORST I have ever seen. And she has been a professional photographer for 3 years with no desire to learn or improve.You picking on browneyedgirl’s tilts (which is not exactly a crime in photography) and photoshop actions is just petty IMO.
November 29, 2012 at 4:02 am #4941soaringturkeys
ParticipantIt’s not petty at all in comparison.
Browneyedgirls is a great photographer in her own right and therefore we adjust our critiques for something harsher and something more to the point.
Would you critique a feature film with the same judging criteria of a highschool film project?
Had she burnt the highlights in many of her photos, (she hasn’t she has perfect control of lighting) then i would have commented on that. But for now She needs to work on her composure. If she wants to take things to the next level then she needs to work on that. If she wants to be hired by companies not just people then she needs to work on making her composures good enough that they don’t need things to be tilted.
Browneyedgirl is a big girl. She has shown to be able to handle strong critique and harshness just fine.
I was just commenting on the irony that her bringing instagram into an argument while still using photoshop actions and other ironic things.
Sure, I’m fine with people bringing terrible work into light but commenting on their work and giving them rude advice is just petty. Especially since none i’ve seen thus far has the right to really be giving advice on their own page.
November 29, 2012 at 10:59 am #4946lifeskills13
Participant^on a lighter note..do NOT read that last sentence from creys with no glasses..i didn’t see the L lol!
November 29, 2012 at 11:18 am #4948creyes8519
ParticipantCritiquing photography does not mean that you need to be a great photographer. Just like film critics are not filmmakers, or food critics are not chefs. I am not the best photographer, but I think I can give certain advice to a photographer on how to improve their work.
Also, even though browneyedgirl did not really make the comment about instagram, her use of photoshop actions and instagram are not the same thing at all. When you apply an instagram filter to your photo, you can not adjust it… WYSIWYG. With photoshop actions, most of the time you’re not going to get the results you want by applying the action alone. You would need to further adjust colors, contrast, etc. use layers and such…. Not the same thing at all.
November 29, 2012 at 11:19 am #4949creyes8519
Participantlifeskills13… LMAO
November 29, 2012 at 4:43 pm #4950fstopper89
ParticipantYes thank you creyeyes. When I use the actions, I make tons of adjustments and usually to several layers of each action, some actions I only set at 12% opacity and use multiple actions. I’ve always been a very detail-oriented person so if I see fit I tend to tweak my edits quite a bit until it feels perfect to me. I know this tends to make me slower at editing (and I procrastinate a lot, unless I have set deadlines!) I am really working on getting better and better SOOC shots so that I don’t have to do much editing. Some of my more recent work I was quite happy with the SOOC, and only did a little editing to give it that extra oomph. I don’t think I’ll ever have a perfect SOOC. Some photographers do, especially I think older photographers who’ve been in the business since film days, since you had to rely on getting the shot right in the first place MUCH more (besides using some filters and dodging/burning in the darkroom- yes I’ve had minimal experience in darkrooms before while in college). I highly commend those photographers. Most of us would not have survived in a business sense in the film days, at least not without several years of practice. Digital cameras and software HAVE truly made it easier for “anyone” to be a photographer but there’s such a spectrum of what you can call good photography because of this. In the old days it was either good or terrible, IMO. I have a few great older books on photography that were all down to the basics such as getting exposure right on black and white film. I’ve read some here and there, and it does help. I would suggest any photographer read some old books and really get down to the basics. When I think back on my first photography courses in college and realize how shitty of work I put out, I am also happy I had that experience. At the time I thought “oh, I totally get this… but wait, I forget, when you have a lower f-stop are you supposed to speed up the shutter or slow it down? Wait, let me refer to my notes again…” LOL, seriously, I thought that. I didn’t know the technical aspects of photography at all, all I knew is that I loved taking pictures and I thought I had a good eye for things.
This photograph was my “pride and joy” of my first photography course. It was I think, supposed to be a portrait showing emotion without showing someone’s face. We had to wind and develop the film itself, then dry it, then take it in the darkroom and make prints and develop them in the chemical baths. Out of all my final images for this course this was by far my best- sharpest, best contrast, best texture, most emotion. The original print I made in the darkroom had some dust specks and was a bit lower in contrast, this is the high-resolution scan/slightly photoshopped version. I entered this photo in the fair and received a merit award on it. > http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxanne_elise_photography/6796932042/in/set-72157628691483073
I want to try to justify tilt. Yes now I see I probably use it too much, but I do think it looks artful/tasteful in this situation: Let’s say you have a person doing a subtle chin tilt in a photo. If you tilt the entire image the opposite direction so their eyes are now on a straight plane (not so far where the image is tilted more than about 25 degrees-ish) would that look more pleasing? I think so, in some cases at least. I’ve seen people do complete 45 degree tilts in situations where I don’t see it’s warranted, and those make me want to turn my head sideways. I’m sure I’ve done that before. I’ll have to scour through my porftolio, I’m sure I could find some bad examples. Another situation (this was mentioned by another poster here) is that when you have an object where you want to get the tip of a sailboat and there would be too much negative space if you photographed it straight-on, giving it some tilt minimizes the negative space and fills the frame better.
Here’s an example of keeping the eyes on a straight plane, while tilting the background. Does it work for this image? http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxanne_elise_photography/7634074040/in/set-72157628691483073
Another of tilting to keep the female’s eyes on the straight plane. This one’s probably a little too tilted, but I didn’t want the door of the fire truck to be vertical. http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxanne_elise_photography/8220486458/in/photostream
Here’s an example of filling the frame and eliminating negative space by tilting. (This is admittedly a horrible photo, I was hiking through the woods so I took my lens that is NOT a good portrait lens as it’s never sharp, I wanted to get his expression and hands in the frame while still being very close up) > http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxanne_elise_photography/8220486458/in/photostream
Another of filling the frame by tilting. http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxanne_elise_photography/7990811322/in/photostream
Please give feedback if this use of tilting is good. I promise I’m going to think more now when I use tilt!
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