While I am still learning, I’ve been studying photography for almost 2 years now, and only just started really building a portfolio. I’d welcome critique from the more experienced! All of my photos are taken with a Nikon D7000 and a 55-200mm lens. Gear I’m hoping to add as I can afford to (I’m not charging for photos while I build my portfolio) includes the 50mm f/1.4 prime and the 70-200mm silver tuna. 😛
Not bad compared to a lot of what we get here. Although it’s weird that you already have an entire site developed.
The first thing I see is that your processing is really contrasty. It’s causing skin to look gross. The pores are jumping out. And I think you’re probably sharpening at too high a radius, which makes it worse. A prime lens will make sharpening less necessary, and more effective at a smaller radius.