I think to be a fauxtog you have to actually charge for what you do.
Not only charge for what you do, but do portraiture or wedding work, badly.
500px is an interesting site. I have noticed it helps to have saturated thumbnails if you want random views and it may help to upload at certain times, or on certain days. Their rating scheme is a total mystery to me but I haven’t spent much time trying to figure it out. As with the other social sites, the more time you spend viewing and commenting on other’s work, the more views and comments you get. I tend to be remiss there as well. The photo you got the highest score on is the footprint. It’s not my favourite. I prefer the sailboat. Though, that says more about my interests than about your photography.
From the thumbnails, I thought you had one portrait but on opening it, I see the person is painted on a wall. I like the close-up leaf, some of the flowers and the burning, spinning stuff. Generally they are all technically good, exposure is OK, something is in focus, etc. But, I’m not really inspired by them.