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    …And it turns out when that happens I make x-rays of animals I think should exists.  What do you do when you need a break from the norm?  Also… am I insane?



    Ok… weird, it’s not imbedding images…



    JustAndy – Not sure about this site and what is allowed to be embedded.  I see photos that are embedded and I try and see them in my view but when posted, the image is gone, WTF!



    I like them, a lot. In the fracture clinic at a local hospital they have big, at least 50×70″, canvasprints with various x-rays of common things. There’s for example a sardine tin and you see the little individual sardines. To liven them up the white has been replaced with a nice and bright colour. It works really well as wall art

    Worst Case Scenario

    There’s for example a sardine tin and you see the little individual sardines

    Can an Xray see through tin?

    I like the animals, especially like the attention to the rest of the film (the corners and labelling).

    I have been known to make my brides brides into zombies when bored.


    Can an Xray see through tin?

    If it is not too thick and the lead content is not great.  X-ray views are kinda cool.  If you travel, ask to see the inside of your bag on the airport scanner.


    Worst Case Scenario

    I have a friend who is in charge of or local hospitals radiology dept. She took her dog into work one day. Because she suspected that it had eaten her wedding ring!


    I really like these JustAndy

    Really fun and interesting


    Thank you.  I think it’s important that we all remember to have fun.  Once we accept the responsibility and ensuing frustrations that come with making photography our career we can lose that initial enjoyment that drove us.  One thing I tell stressed out photographers fairly often is that we take pictures… If we screw up NO ONE DIES.  Be serious when it comes to your work, but remember that in the grand scheme of things… we just take pictures…


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