Home Forums Photography Showcase SO, this photographer does really nice work

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    Photographer about 60 miles away from me. He does beautiful work. I thought I would share him with you all 🙂

    His website is FLASH-heavy and the menu is tricky to navigate, and there’s music playing…. but the work is gorgeous.



    Yes, beautiful Just lovely…

    but, be a little leary.  Looks like most of his “clients” are hired professionals.  I didn’t stay too long and click around to prove myself right, but I can almost guareentee  his business is in selling to photographers rather than selling services to the public. (go ahead and find his Facebook and I bet it’s all about workshops and whatnot) Nothing at all wrong with that, business is business, but… I tend to look up to and follow/take advice from real working photographers more than the ones that market to photographers just to be on the safe side, and to know my advice and inspiration comes from a legit place and not just a feel good so I buy buy buy place.


    Yes, he does have real models for his fashion shoots. That makes complete sense. However, he also shoots weddings and engagements. He is definitely in the business of making money and that seems to include from other photographers.

    He has indeed announced several workshops, but I’ve noticed a lot of photographers (faux and not) doing that lately.
    “hey, I’ve set this scene up perfectly the way I want it, now make great pictures. You have 20 minutes.” That doesn’t promote any kind of learning. People pay up to thousands of dollars ($1250 for this one) to learn things and they’re just left hanging at the end when they have the same exact  terrible shots as everyone else with no real knowledge about what they were told they were going to learn upon signing up.

    In case you can’t tell, I don’t agree with the workshop model.

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