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    He’s the guy who influenced me to take headshots. I watched his B&H workshop and got inspired. Considering it hasn’t been a week since I started taking them, I’m happy, but every little nitpick is appreciated so I can improve and take some shots worth paying at least $500 for


    another pic https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/283915_4296747932936_155164448_n.jpg


    Eyes are motion blurred. Making progress though.


    “Eyes are motion blurred”

    Take another look.


    Okay, so I borrowed my friends backdrop and the chick I shot a few minutes ago was phenomenal. I think I’m getting close to perfect shots now, straight out of the camera, and it hasn’t even been a week since I started doing headshots. Check it out https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/209479_217957591663421_1922995341_o.jpg


    For comparison, here are her past three facebook profile pics https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/309347_10150881840266036_14805912_n.jpg




    I’m so glad I gave her a shot, considering I had never met her in person before and had her fb pics to go by. lol. Every harsh critique is welcome!


    Here’s my facebook page, if you want to see my progress https://www.facebook.com/vrjphotos


    it hasn’t even been a week since I started doing headshots

    That’s the amazing thing, how easy photography is and how badly some people still manage to fuck it up.


    David –


    The head shot of Sandy is good, but not perfect.  There is too much light glare that needs to be knocked down (cheeks, nose, forehead) – contrast seems a little high, and – it looks like you were using two fill  lights without a main – resulting in, for my tastes, a shot that is a little flat – almost as though you had a main light without a fill – kind of the same result.  In looking at the shot, were your lights both placed at about a 30-45 degree angle with equal intensity (or distance)?  If so, one should be moved closer to the lens, the other should have intensity dropped off a little – it will give you a little more shadowing and contouring of that lovely face.


    David –

    Forgot to add – don’t pay any attention to the troll.


    Hey, Jetpix made some good points. In the second shot, I forgot to switch the back light from the left to the right side of the frame, leaving it a little flatter that it could have been otherwise. And after a good look I did notice that the front lights in the first shot should be moved further away from the face and then I could bring down the shutter speed until the lighting looks the same, to lessen the glow on her face, and I should have brought the back lights closer to her body and more to the side of her than behind since the hair is blocking what could have been a more defined jawline. I’ll keep this in mind for the next shoot, thanks! As for “flatness”, I was going for the all-around even lighting for women. It looks more flattering than a different key and fill light, I think. But, I did use a fill light that’s half the exposure of the key in the “bad girl” photos (the one on the right), which is more noticeable in my other photos, which I’ll post later.


    here’s another, which is unedited and shows what I mean http://www.davidvrj.com/Category/Headshots/i-wQxFrKb/0/L/wow-again-L.jpg

    btw, anyone know how the hell to make it so that the photos retain the same colors as they do in the image editing software? I’ve had to use print screen then paste and save on infranview to get the right colors, as I’ve tried a million methods other I’ve seen online for saving straight from capture one, or lightroom, or photoshop, to no avail. It’s killing my workflow. any suggestions?


    Change the colorspace to rgb.


    which one? adobe rgb (1998), srgb 2.1, prophoto rgb, colormatch rgb all havent worked so far and there isn’t just plain “rgb” as far as I could tell.   and, i’ve tried it on all three of the programs I’ve stated


    In Photoshop use “Save for Web & Devices” for the final image and select the “Embed Color Profile” and “Convert to sRGB” options.

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