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    One last thing, the first thing I thought of when I saw the portrait of the woman half submerged in water was the iconic image of charlie sheen (?) in the water in apocalypse now. Albeit with a prettier face πŸ™‚

    Everything thing comes from something, it’s hard for it not to.


    Unless I missed something Charlie Sheen was eleven years old when they finished filming and I don’t remember that he was ever in the movie. Martin Sheen did a good job as Williard tho………………………………


    I haven’t seen the film, just the picture πŸ™‚ That’s why I put the question mark next to his name. Doesn’t really negate my point… but thanks for the heads up πŸ˜‰


    Wow OP , you need to get over yourself. You are not a special snowflake. I bet you have taken plenty of shots that resemble those of other photographers. How would you like it if they accused you of stealing? Your work is quite good but I would never hire a prima donna like you. Photographers like you contribute to the perception/stereotypes of snotty photographers.

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