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    I was on a Fauxtogs FB page, and they had a blurry photo of a wildflower, which was dead center in the image and had terrible lighting. They had this photo in an album titled Prints Available, and then a list of sizes and cost.  Yes this fauxtog also did bad portraits for money.  One of the comments on the photo was by another photographer saying  “I really like this one, very nicely composed!”  So naturally I went to that photogs site. Her images were actually pretty good for the most part. What I don’t get…why would a good photographer say that on such an obviously not good image?!  I am not the type of person that goes and tells people they are bad and should stop photographing, but I sure wouldn’t tell them they are good when they very much arent! I know a fauxtog who is a classic “I got my camera over the summer now I charge people to shoot their babies photos in my crappy living room studio with blanket backdrops and no lighting other than window lighting” who got compliments from Stacie Jenson (of Envi Actions).  Seriously??


    Sometimes friends will try to offer encouragement.

    Stacie does offer kind words to everybody, it’s not necessarily a fault, but she caters to a large market of photographers. I’ve seen even bad photographers post photos to her page showing what they did with one of her actions to one of their images and she always tells them it looks good.  A lot of her products are a very low cost compared to other action companies, and she often offers free actions as a promotion, so they’re easily available. She sold templates for the snowglobes for really cheap before Christmas and EVERYBODY started posting them on their pages. While I did see some very nice uses for the template, I saw 10x more horrible ones where it just did not fit. That was the main reason I did not buy the snowglobe template. I’d rather make my own snowglobe template. That being said, Stacie always is positive and is quite a role model for photographers and entrepreneurs.


    What I said wasn’t meant to be a dig at anyone. I think it is great to be positive. I try and always see the good in people. My issue was more with the first half of my post. In which the photographer told the faux that it was a nice composition, when it was clearly not. I just don’t see how that is helpful.  Not sure if I am coming across in the way I mean to. =)  I guess, in my head, encouragement would be more tips and tricks to try vs telling someone nice comp.  Idk. Maybe I am just being irrateable tonight. Lol.

    Decided to include the link to the photo I was talking about. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=484994084872214&set=a.484993924872230.104641.396796253691998&type=3&theater


    Oh no, I totally agree. It’s better to nicely give tips or advice, but it’s hard to do it nicely most of the time, especially if the fauxtog/photog knows the image is horrible they will already be defensive when someone tries to offer a critique or tips.

    I checked the link, and she’s from Lansing, MI… I think Stacie is from there or near there actually, so it’s possible she even knows her personally, maybe… who knows. Her photos are largely pretty blah and many are not in focus. There’s a picture of her newphew playing with her camera, and I can’t tell (it’s a blurry phone picture) what kind of camera it is but not a Canon or Nikon that I recognize, and the glass on the lens looks VERY small. The strap is thin, not one found on a Canon or Nikon either. However, she has over 1,000 likes. It seems she keeps her page very interactive and really puts herself out there, but I think has fished for likes by offering referral deals too. She seems to have a very proactive  marketing style, and maybe that’s why she is getting clients. I can see she used to call herself “Shining Star Photography” and find it kind of funny that two people in a row left reviews and called it “shinning” star. I see that misspelling all too often and don’t really understand it, but whatever. It’s not her typo, it’s the clients,’ but still funny.

    While browsing some of her photos I came across a comment by another photographer saying how she’s underpriced and in her first year of charging. I clicked, and found this. Baby is exposed nicely, had smooth skin, and posed comfortably, but she ruined this with the fake cloudy sky background photoshopped in. The original photo is in the same album and isn’t terrible. Why? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200254262016706&set=a.3095738629918.153368.1157665550&type=1&theater


    I can see she used to call herself “Shining Star Photography” and find it kind of funny that two people in a row left reviews and called it “shinning” star.


    Shining star: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Books/Pix/pictures/2009/01/07/shining460.gif


    There is of course a more sinisiter possibility in this case. The good photographer may be giving the fauxtog positive feedback to give them comfidence in their work thus ensuring they will never be competiton and have the desire to improve their work. This ensures the photographer always has one above the fauxtog to lure customers. Kinda nasty I know, but it is a possible strategy.


    Egg, you got a point there. Even for someone with the glass half empty view, however, that seems a stretch. So while the photog might be doing that – it’s possible – I’d like to think (hope) it’s just a compliment being paid.

    The photo in question is blurry, but it’s “pretty” and appealing to many people. I say pretty in the same way that I have a ton of flower photos in my gallery that people have said “Oo, pretty!” even though it was out of focus, white balance was off, highlights were blown and they were taken on auto. 😉 I’m leaning towards thinking this photog just commented on something as a viewer, and not as a pro critiquing another’s work. Even though a casual comment can be misconstrued as coming from a professional point of view.

    For me, if I were a pro, I wouldn’t be putting my name to anything that could call my professional judgement and skills into question. Even if it was done outside of my professional sphere. That’s just me. But I’m a scrooge when it comes to compliments.

    (P.S. Egg, I love your work! I have your site bookmarked.)


    As to the flower photo, well, I’ve seen worse. There is room for positive encouragement anytime, any place, but it has to be at least a little bit warranted. Perhaps the photographer who made the positive comment had seen earlier work from this person, and in fact, this one was an improvement. I notice that the comment was limited to composition, which, while not great, was not totally horrible. The comment did not address areas of the photo that were even worse. Maybe it should have. Maybe Facebook is not the place for that. In fact, the more I think about it, nope, Facebook is not the place for that. We have no idea what conversations may be taking place in the background between these two. Maybe there is some mentoring going on there that isn’t obvious. Maybe a few less stones being tossed would be a good thing, in the absence of real knowledge.


    “Photographers” (and I use this term loosely) that make their living from selling to photographers, are always nice.  Or the way I see it, lie through their teeth.    Their livelihood depends on it.  They need as many people as possible believing they are incredible photographers, or will be, if they buy their products.

    Whenever I’m directed to a blog post or article that is full of bs(easily accepted, lighthearted encouragement and/or bad advice) there is always a “for photographers” tab or a store to shop, full of products, workshops, services that they are pimping out.

    I would take everything that is said by these salesmen with a grain of salt. People are both naive, and delusional to follow what these people do/say.  They only tell people want they want to hear, and line their pockets with it.

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