Home Forums Let’s Talk Photography Masking tools

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    Can anyone recommend a masking plug in? I am looking at Fluid Mask 3 and Topaz labs Remask. The reviews I have read have been mixed – though the Topaz one seems significantly cheaper. It would be mainly for portraiture – so hair etc. rather than masking trees and what not. I have a macbook pro and cs6 – if that is relevant. TIA.


    I personally use remask from Topaz. It makes short work of masking out large areas with moderate to poor contrast between back- and foreground, and seems to ‘know’ what you are trying to keep or cut. The smart brush tool is VERY cool. It’s great for everything from large smooth edged items all the way to trees with lots of little branches.


    When trying to cut out a blond haired woman with fine, wispy hairs every which way, I’ve found I’ll spend just as much time in Remask as I would have in CS6 using all the refine selection tools.

    I have a Mac Pro with 8 cores and Topaz goes like lightening, but it will run very fast on a laptop, no sweat.


    Sorry, can’t help.  I just use the tools in Photoshop.  The Refine Selection tool works fine for my limited needs.


    you’ve probably seen these, but they are nice tutorials which give you a sense of how easy (and sometimes, labor intensive) Remask can be.



    Thank you both. The refine selection is really good now but I have RSI in my hand so am hoping to find something to allow me to mask areas more quickly and thus less painfully 🙂
    The topaz one looks really good from those videos – thanks for the links Eyedoc.



    Beyond different software, have you looked into other control tools?  Tablets, trackballs, etc.


    soft tissue injuries are the nastiest… they’re like the game Othello “a moment to learn a lifetime to master” except RSI takes a lifetime to heal.

    I would try CC’s suggestions, especially if you have LESS trouble with a pen, tryout a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet. Being a gadget geek extraordinaire, I have one and it is a lifesaver over tedious mouse work. There are tons of youtube videos on setup and use. I had ordered one from Amazon with the intent on returning it if I didn’t like it. Do the same. No worries if you don’t like it.

    Worst Case Scenario

    I’ve got Topaz re mask and I use it a lot, but I find it works great on somethings and is useless on others. Trouble is, it’s often the job you’d think would be easy that it can’t handle. I don’t think there is one tool / software that can do everything. I often revert to the basic PS tools for masking.


    Thanks guys, yes I will try those out – I painted and drew most of my life and never had any issue so a tablet with a pen sounds like a good solution – I’ll give it a whirl. I really appreciate your suggestions – thank you.


    We cross posted WCS, can I ask what it was more successful on and what it wasn’t? Or was it random? I’d be using it mostly for cutting out hair and maybe fur as that’s what I struggle with on photoshop.


    This might help with PS.


    I just got a banner idea…

    To hell with Topaz and CS6 refine tools – let that ‘Clipping Path service’ fellow who advertises on here every 3-4 weeks have a go at it. I’ll bet you’ll wonder how you ever managed without him!


    Thanks for the link CC, that’s a really helpful video.

    Lol Eyedoc! I forgot about that dude – what have I been worrying about?! 😉


    I find for myself this service http://ams-collage.com/  . For me it’s very comfort in use and so many interesting frames and awesome templates. It makes my photos even better looking=)


    OMG, this is like looking a gift horse in the mouth!!

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