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September 22, 2013 at 7:45 pm #13142
This is the closest thing I have to a web site because I am broke, but I’m not broken.Of course I have heard that I “take great pictures” and I “should post to this or that site” and sometimes I do.
I know I post way to many but I get too much pleasure out of the reactions of others to my pics.
I am not the guy you would think would be into this, Surfer, Angler, Carpenter, Chef, Yacht Builder, Asshole, Hard Head. That’s me, photographer doesn’t fit in there very well but I can’t put the camera down even if I don’t know how to use it.
Any and all comments, critiques will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Danny RoseSeptember 22, 2013 at 8:45 pm #13143cameraclicker
ParticipantWell, this one (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=519250581457304&set=pb.160417077340658.-2207520000.1379896767.&type=3&theater) didn’t work out very well! What happened?
September 23, 2013 at 12:22 am #13144nairbynairb
ParticipantWhy is this one on there? (or the other 2 photos of this woman)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1235214_562148700500825_483257436_n.jpgTo me it looks like a personal collection of images from your life… Its hard to critique you if we don’t know what you want out of it.
Do you want to learn to get better technically and make images worth selling? Or do you want to just take photos of your life with personal artistic touches? If it’s the latter, then there isn’t much point in asking for a critique because what we think won’t matter 😛If you’re in it to make money, take down the award photos and any photo with your friends/kids?. Also, take out all of the ones in the aquarium/zoo.
Focus on putting up 20 or so images that you find best describes the kind of work you do.
This photo would have been amazing with a bit better composition!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1239600_554793451236350_1064895339_n.jpgSeptember 23, 2013 at 5:46 am #13145Worst Case Scenario
ParticipantMostly nice pics, I didn’t see anything too faux, but it looks more like a collection of holiday snaps than a page belonging to a photography business.
September 23, 2013 at 9:25 am #13147DRose
ParticipantOkay, Thanks everyone first of all!
The pic of the groom and the Pastor, Facecrack did that and I should have reloaded it. Thanks
And yes that woman was on there as a joke, because the spot where I shoot a lot of sunsets is a very red neck backwoods kind of area and I put her up for a laugh…….Bad Danny!!
I guess I posted all those awards for some peer recognition and you are right I should take them down.
Yes, I am more interested in selling as opposed to doing portrait/session/wedding type stuff.
That spider pic is certainly one of my best nature type photos.
I do want to do a more professional style website to sell prints from someday, it’s just not in the budget right now.
I also only use Faststone Image Viewer for my editing program and I edit very little other then cropping and/or leveling.
Thank you all again for the critiques and I hope to get better from any and all of your insights.September 23, 2013 at 12:13 pm #13154ebi
Participantsnapshots with watermarks are not professional, sellable or interesting…
September 24, 2013 at 2:12 am #13204Bill
ParticipantI would remove those pics of the Ultimate Photo Battles, does not help your case one bit. If anything it makes you look more like a fauxtog then anything or a guy looking for acclaim.
As for a hobby or professional, using facebook is a fine way to “promote” your photography but like nairbynair stated earlier, having it in some sort of order or cataloged in a way that is more flattering to your craft. Having a random mix of photos mixed with a trip to the zoo and aquarium is fine for your personal page, but watermarking some of the photos tells me that you’re thinking a bit more serious then vacation snaps. If they are just snaps, leave the watermark off of them, trust me.
As for the woman in the park, makes you look like a perv or stalker, unless you are one, I would have deleted it. Facebook is cheap aka Free, create another page for your photography and keep the “serious ” ones on there and don’t inter-mix them. Then others will take you more seriously. If I were you, I would go through your photos, pick out your best and post them to one of the many Free sites, Facebook, Flickr, Weebly, Wix, 72dpi, 500px and so on.
My critique: not trying to break you down or anything. Some of the photos are meh to okay. I see a lot of technical issues like composition, focus, complimentary contrasts and so on. But it is hard for me to honestly look at your photos and really critique them without knowing which ones you were really trying on verses the ones that are just snaps.
September 24, 2013 at 8:12 pm #13260DRose
ParticipantThanks Bill and everyone else, well other than ebi, great insights and tips and critiques.
I’ve read to many of ebi’s negative and berateing comments post’s to really give a damn what he or she has to say.
Again thanks for your time.
DannySeptember 25, 2013 at 1:21 pm #13278ebi
ParticipantDanny, we’ve been round and round on my “negative and berating* comments”. It doesn’t really go anywhere, but thanks for pointing out. I’m not going to waste my time on defending it to someone who takes meh photos and can’t take the criticism. Sorry you didn’t get the answer you were looking for.
September 25, 2013 at 4:07 pm #13280emf
ParticipantI am only learning myself so can’t comment much on the technical side – but just wanted to say this; it looks like you spend a lot of time in beautiful places with great skies – and I think if you can hone the technical side and intensely study composition (I’ve really enjoyed this book on composition, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Photographers-Eye-Composition-Design-Digital/dp/1905814046 ). And also study photographers whom you admire who dealt with similar subject matter; these could be very good.
I would have an image cull too and only show your absolute best work. Good luck.
September 25, 2013 at 6:58 pm #13311DRose
Participant(I thought I would post my response here as well)
ebi’s response to my photos that I asked for comments and “critiques” on was(“snapshots with watermarks are not professional, sellable or interesting…)”
I have sold a few of my photos and not because I tried to but because people wanted to buy them. I have one coming out as a book cover and I have donated 20+ to great causes and fundraisers in my area that have all done really well for the charity.
I’m not feeble or weak or easily offended but if this a proper critique of my photos than excuse me. I really don’t see anything constructive here in your comment. I’m not a pro nor do I sell myself as one, never taken an art class since jr. high school, never taken a photography course.
I got some actual critiques from others here on YANAP, no they didn’t say anything was great or even good but they gave insights and were somewhat civil and helpful. If I had your level of experience and skill I hope I would be a little more helpful in my critiques.
I too would love to see some of your work so I can be inspired.
Thanks again for your time, still looking for a link for your work.September 26, 2013 at 2:06 am #13328ebi
Participant@DRose, I’ll comment here since this is more appropriate than the forum post that I created a while back.
I have sold a few of my photos and not because I tried to but because people wanted to buy them. I have one coming out as a book cover and I have donated 20+ to great causes and fundraisers in my area that have all done really well for the charity.
Good for you. I’m glad that you were able to sell your underexposed, out of focus and boring photographs. There is a phrase for that. I can’t quite remember it…
I’m not feeble or weak or easily offended but if this a proper critique of my photos than excuse me.
My commentary is based upon what I saw in your work and what people had already posted. I’ll put the amount of effort needed to drive the point home. Many others offered their input and I felt I really couldn’t add much more. It’s obviously made an impact on you b/c you are still here trying to pick a fight with me. You obviously want to hear more, but I really don’t have anything to say. You aren’t very good. You MIGHT get better. You MIGHT not. I’m leaning towards MIGHT not. Please, prove me wrong.
I really don’t see anything constructive here in your comment.
I cannot make you take good photographs. You have to CONSTRUCT something from my comments. I didn’t call you names, I didn’t put you down. I put your images down. You take snapshots and want feedback on them. My feedback is, they suck. If you want me to elaborate, you have to give me something more. There is a phrase for this too, but I cannot think of it either.
I’m not a pro nor do I sell myself as one, never taken an art class since jr. high school, never taken a photography course.
If you are serious about being a photographer, I suggest you do. It doesn’t have to be a formal class, but maybe just learning about art in general: Texture, Space, Shape, Color, etc. Or just basically how to use your camera correctly.
I got some actual critiques from others here on YANAP, no they didn’t say anything was great or even good but they gave insights and were somewhat civil and helpful.
Great! Now focus on the wonderful help they were willing to offer and stop obsessing over my posts.
If I had your level of experience and skill I hope I would be a little more helpful in my critiques.
I’m not going to hold your hand. You have to do the hard work. I can only tell you what is good or bad. Part of the learning process is figuring out why it’s good or bad and trying to not repeat that mistake. You will fail at that, repeatedly, but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
I too would love to see some of your work so I can be inspired.
Thanks again for your time, still looking for a link for your work.You’re welcome. Again another rebuttal often spouted by the newbies on here. The answer is simple. We aren’t here to talk about me. We are here to talk about you. What I do is of little importance. There are artists out there that are far more inspiring than me. I suggest you seek them out instead. They are very easy to find. If you’d like some suggestions, I’d be happy to help lead you in the right direction.
Oh, it was: “There is a sucker born every minute”
And the other one was: “You can’t polish a turd” 😉
September 26, 2013 at 9:31 am #13332DRose
ParticipantWell then lead on wise one.
My only problem with your original comment was that you gave nothing,.
Like I said, If I had your supposed amazing and highly sought after and well paid skill level I would be willing to put up some shots and prove just how amazing I am. Show us all and get some respect, otherwise you certainly won’t get any from me and I’m sure many others on here agree.
You on the other hand seem unwilling to do so, and that in itself takes away from any credibility that you might think you have.I could care less if you like my shit, you and your opinions mean nothing without your perfect work to back it up. I am not trying to pick a fight with you, but I’m not the type to just take shit from someone who thinks they are the man and are not willing to prove it.
I am sure that the majority of people on here feel the same way about you. We can all say that your photography sucks and we will never know because you don’t seem to have the backbone to post anything to back up your comments.
Someone on here said that you should check out your teaches work before you take their class, well teacher, here is your opportunity to make us believe that all the crap you spout is the truth. I’d be willing to bet your shit is not that good, if it was you would have it on here for all to see, it shows in your comments.
Obviously you can polish a turd, or at least you seem to think you are pretty shiny.
And I am not “obsessing” over your posts. I’m calling it like I see it.
Your pictures suck as well, care to prove me wrong? I know you are to good for that, so good that you have nothing to prove.Thanks again for proving me right!
September 26, 2013 at 9:58 am #13334emf
ParticipantI just wanted to say I disagree OP. I don’t see the relevance in seeing a critique(r?)s work.
September 26, 2013 at 10:03 am #13335JLiu
ParticipantWhile I don’t generally care for Ebi’s style of delivery, I do find it necessary to bring up at least one point:
For someone who claims to be able to handle it (based on the title of this thread), it’s becoming quite obvious otherwise. Perhaps you mean you can handle to good news only? Might I suggest that you take it with a grain of salt next time, take a minute to cool off before responding, and ask the person with a negative critique to expand on their comment instead of immediately getting defensive? That approach would at least fall somewhat in line with your claim that, “…any and all comments will be greatly appreciated.”
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