Home Forums Photography Showcase Iffy about a image…

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    I don’t know if I should include this in my portfolio or even show it to the bride… I think it is interesting but it does not reflect my usual style…  Im torn.

    It was shot through a stained glass window which created the effect.



    You are iffy about AN image. And it’s not a good image. It’s also incredibly grainy and not in a good way. The image might be ok if we didn’t have a face staring back at us, but that is just creepy. Delete it.


    Ya I was leaning more towards deleting it. Thanks.


    This particular image doesn’t do much for me tbh  – but I think it’s an interesting idea to pursue and develop as a personal project – then when you’ve honed it you can perhaps incorporate something similar into your portfolio. You may be interested in the work of Saul Leiter who looked at  reflections and shooting subjects through glass – which had been distorted by rain, steam etc., causing a painterly and abstract effect, and also for the spatial planes of the image to be all mixed up – creating a further element of abstraction – hope that makes sense.  I find his work really beautiful.

    It’s great to have your own style but it should always be evolving rather than restricting you from trying new things.



    Kudos for trying but it didn’t work. The wonders of the digital age, in the recycle bin it goes.

    It might have worked better if you had more space between you and the glass


    ebi & emf – The same answers, but MILES apart in so many ways.  Ebi, you are right, it’s not a good image. But I implore you to try and be a little more tactful and constructive. If you really don’t want to waste your time on messy images then don’t. The OP seemed happy enough but I really would like to see a little more thought and encouragement from you.
    Sincerely, Teacher


    Sometimes…most times…it’s not necessary to dwell on a bad image. It’s best to just move on and try better next time. It’s unlikely that you’ll shoot an image the exact same way twice and end up with anywhere close to the same result, artistically speaking.

    However, Sarah, I definitely encourage you to continue shooting through things: glass, windows, mirrors, reflective metals, small animals and children…


    Why don’t you edit it for your own personal project? It has technical issues, but there is something kind of drawing me to it as well. I agree it can be one of those weird art pieces if you develop it further.


    Can I just clarify, I’m not dwelling on a bad image – rather, I’m saying the idea is interesting and worth exploring. That’s not the same thing at all.


    I agree, EMF, I wasn’t referring to your comments. I was referring to my lack of expanding on it.


    @ Sarah…I complement you on trying something new and trying to go for some effect that wasn’t produced by some plug-in or action is PS.

    Besides the technical issues with the image, the one thing I saw that would steer me clear of using it for a wedding photo was that the person wearing the bluish shirt.  When shooting through the stained glass it imposed their shirt over the brides gown, to me it makes it look like she is a some sort of medical person wearing hospital scrubs.  That and the double face on the bride, just looks kind of creepy and weird.  Best to keep that image for your photoshop test bin.

    You tried something and it just didn’t work the way you thought it would.

    Like ebi said

    You are iffy about AN image. And it’s not a good image

    I love when people try something unconventional and take risks, it keeps you actively thinking, creative.  Some work, some don’t, but the good thing is you tried.

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