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    Do you charge?


    I’m doubting you charge, or you would have been told already.

    The old truck with rail cars is kind’a cool but also a bit unsettling.  I like it best though.

    The couple: her hair blends into the shadow.  Their skin is too bright.

    The car would benefit from use of a polarizing filter.  What is the white bar in the trees?

    The watch is set to the wrong time and the box is damaged.  It would be better without the foam it is leaning on and the crystal should have been cleaned.

    The vitamin bottle is turned to the wrong angle, the left side of the label is obscured.  Some pills are out of focus, which is distracting.  The reflection of your lights looks odd.   Your shadow would be better if you could light it with only one light.  The light is uneven.


    Am I wrong to assume that you’re a student? These look like student projects (at least, they look like the kinds of things we did when I was in school).


    No I don’t charge, don’t plan to till I think I’m ready.  That’s what really urks me about facebook and the slew of people who actually do…I have some material to post to the front page lol.

    Also I’m not a student nor have I ever been but I’m still learning.  I don’t get out as often as I’d like which really hurts me.


    No excuses here, I very much appreciate the help Cameraclicker.  The white bar was probably just a power line, as were I was shooting overlooks a main road into downtown.

    As far as the old truck goes what did you find unsettling?


    Not to mention the one with the couple I kinda regret posting lol, as it was shot a long while back.


    Sorry I keep posting but it wont let me edit…. I found the old file and re edited it in lightroom 4 not in picasa like last time.  It was a Jpeg so it probably isn’t as good as it would have been if I had shot raw.



    I’m not sure why I find it unsettling.  I think it may have to do with the crop.  Without seeing it, I don’t know for sure but I might have a different feeling if there were a bit more photo, top and bottom.  Or, it may have to do with the shadow across the bottom.  Viewed on my monitor there is a grey band across top and bottom, which is the background, and the top of the building is just below the background.

    When I adjust the window height to hide the shadow on the grass, I like the image better.  I think it could be better still with a little sky.


    The new picture of the couple is a lot better but some of their skin is still burned out.


    It kind of depends on where you want to go with your photography. The examples you have cover a pretty wide range; art, portrait, and stock.

    I will stick to the artistic images.

    The train cars and truck is an interesting and not horrible. Aside from the shadow Clicker mentions above, the congregated tin roof seems to merge with both rail cars making it look like it is part of the train and not a building behind it. Now, you can tell they are separate looking between the trains but the angle gives a weird visual illusion to me.

    The power line in the car shot should be easy to edit out with the leaves around it. That said, it is a cool seen but kind of a bleh place to shoot it. (better than a parking lot mind you.) Of course, with cars sometimes you have to take what you can get. With art, if you want to sell you have to make images people won’t look at and think they can shoot themselves. The car is pretty unique so perhaps try getting closer and find interesting lines or emblems if the background is just so so.

    Worst Case Scenario

    Your pics are okay, mostly sharp and the exposures aren’t anything to worry about (especially if you were shooting RAW) I like the B/W conversion on the car shot . You just need to find some more interesting angles. For instance, the front of a car is usually much more interesting than the back, and shooting lower down will make it look much more imposing. Changing angle like that could could be the difference between a good shot and a snap shot.

    How faux are you?… Well if you were charging then you’d be about 60%, as you don’t charge you are not a faux


    Wow lots of good info since I last checked lol.



    I may go out and retry that shot again with an actual wide angle in golden hour and see how it comes out. The light was pretty harsh I’ll admit.


    I’m still on the edge of what I’m wanting to do.  I like trying new things at this point and seeing what my Niche is.  I honestly wouldn’t mind becoming a product photographer.

    I’ll have to see what I can do about that next time I shoot it.  Honestly I’m not sure the trains are still there.  If not it may be an even better shot?  idk we shall see.

    Sounds like some great info to me, I’ll see about finding more interesting curvature and emblems.  It does have some pretty interesting ones.  I do have in mind a better place to take some pictures of it though.


    Worst case:

    Would you consider this one any better?  https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/967204_10151640166419645_1320251173_o.jpg



    I like the second car shot better myself but still might crop it a touch tighter.

    I ran a search for “Ambassador car” on the art site that produces most of my income. There aren’t many and none of the car you have in the image. That can be important when you do move to the selling stage because subjects matter. Specifically, the more saturated the market the harder it is to sell no matter how good your images are.

    Here is a link to an Ambassador image on that art site. Beyond taking a look at that image click on that artist’s home page and look at how she does cars. She sells the snot out of automotive art and does it well enough where she could make a living doing it. (I don’t know her personally so don’t know what else she does or if that is her main income.) http://fineartamerica.com/featured/1941-nash-ambassador-6-emblem-jill-reger.html

    Regarding the truck/train, I think if you shoot it at the angle you did with the car, then you may get a lot more depth and interest to the image.


    I like the second car shot better myself but still might crop it a touch tighter.

    I ran a search for “Ambassador car” on the art site that produces most of my income. There aren’t many and none of the car you have in the image. That can be important when you do move to the selling stage because subjects matter. Specifically, the more saturated the market the harder it is to sell no matter how good your images are.

    Here is a link to an Ambassador image on that art site. Beyond taking a look at that image click on that artist’s home page and look at how she does cars. She sells the snot out of automotive art and does it well enough where she could make a living doing it. (I don’t know her personally so don’t know what else she does or if that is her main income.) http://fineartamerica.com/featured/1941-nash-ambassador-6-emblem-jill-reger.html

    Regarding the truck/train, I think if you shoot it at the angle you did with the car, then you may get a lot more depth and interest to the image.


    Thanks!  I’ll crop and see how it looks.


    She does some incredible stuff, I never really thought about selling as art but it’s something I could definitely look into doing.  Thanks for the link and quality info.

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